# Identity REST endpoint This is a basic endpoint that allows identity management in CzechIdM. * REST endpoint **/api/v1/identities** * Identities supported **extended** attributes (**EAV** model) # Supports * Basic **CRUD** operations (Creating, Reading, Updating, Deleting) and searching. * Returns given identity to granted authorities (**/authorities**). * Returns the currently assigned identity role (**/roles**). Specifically, it returns the identity / roles bindings (IdmIdentityRoleDto). * Returns the identity of the main position in the organization (**/work-position**). Returned position contains all work position's parents in the tree structure and contract's working position as path. * This endpoint also allows you to manage extended identity attributes (EAV). If you want to use the REST API, you must be logged in. The easiest way is to use **Basic authentication** directly in request "- u admin: admin". # API ** TODO: Swagger** # Examples ## Creating new identity You can use the **POST** method to create a new identity. Below is an example of identity creation **new_identity** where the query body contains only "user name, last name, first name and email". In response is returned whole new created identity (with all audit fields and generated ID). ### Request: ``` curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u admin:admin http://localhost:8080/idm-backend/api/v1/identities/ -d '{"username": "john_doe", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "email": "john.doe@czechidm.eu"}' ``` ### Response: { "id": "22246775-19be-4088-ab34-cc67a322f731", "created": "2017-06-13T09:03:30.127Z", "modified": null, "creator": "admin", "creatorId": "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "modifier": null, "modifierId": null, "originalCreator": "admin", "originalCreatorId": "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "originalModifier": null, "originalModifierId": null, "username": "new_identity", "firstName": "New", "lastName": "Identity", "email": "new.identity@czechidm.eu", "phone": null, "titleBefore": null, "titleAfter": null, "description": null, "disabled": false, "_trimmed": false, "_embedded": {}, "_links": {"self": {"href": "http://localhost:8080/idm-backend/api/v1/identities/22246775-19be-4088-ab34-cc67a322f731"}} } ## Getting authorities for identity With uses this endpoint, you can get list of authorities for the identity. In this example for **john doe** identity. Authority defines what the identity potentially can do. For example, if the **IDENTITY_READ** authority is returned, it means that the user will see tab **Users** in the GUI. However, the authorities do not guarantee that the user will see other users as such. This is the task of permissions evaluators. Edit add tag ### Request: ``` curl -u admin:admin 'http://localhost:8080/idm-backend/api/v1/identities/john_doe/authorities' ``` ### Response: [ { "authority" : "CONTRACTGUARANTEE_AUTOCOMPLETE" }, { "authority" : "CONTRACTGUARANTEE_PASSWORDCHANGE" }, { "authority" : "CONTRACTGUARANTEE_READ" }, { "authority" : "IDENTITYCONTRACT_AUTOCOMPLETE" }, { "authority" : "IDENTITYCONTRACT_PASSWORDCHANGE" }, { "authority" : "IDENTITYCONTRACT_READ" }, { "authority" : "IDENTITYROLE_AUTOCOMPLETE" }, { "authority" : "IDENTITYROLE_PASSWORDCHANGE" }, { "authority" : "IDENTITYROLE_READ" }, { "authority" : "IDENTITY_AUTOCOMPLETE" }, { "authority" : "IDENTITY_PASSWORDCHANGE" }, { "authority" : "IDENTITY_READ" }, { "authority" : "ROLE_AUTOCOMPLETE" } ] ## Getting assigned roles for identity With uses this endpoint, you can get list of assigned roles for the identity. In this example for **admin** identity. For example, a role can assign permissions or accounts on end systems. List of returned assigned roles not support pagination. Everytime returning all. ### Request: ``` curl -u admin:admin 'http://localhost:8080/idm-backend/api/v1/identities/admin/roles' ``` ### Response: { "_embedded" : { "identityRoles" : [ { "id" : "4f2b06cd-5abd-4426-ab52-278741ec8389", "created" : "2017-06-12T10:48:42.157Z", "modified" : null, "creator" : "[SYSTEM]", "creatorId" : null, "modifier" : null, "modifierId" : null, "originalCreator" : "[SYSTEM]", "originalCreatorId" : null, "originalModifier" : null, "originalModifierId" : null, "identityContract" : "bf843f35-5d31-48e3-9d4d-a224b1ded9de", "role" : "2e8d493a-8368-4417-af88-08ad682a2ca1", "validFrom" : null, "validTill" : null, "automaticRole" : false, "roleTreeNode" : null, "valid" : true, "_trimmed" : true, "_embedded" : {!Shortened-for-clarity!} } ] }, "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:8080/idm-backend/api/v1/identities/admin/roles" } }, "page" : { "size" : 0, "totalElements" : 1, "totalPages" : 1, "number" : 0 } } ## Reading identities For get identities without filter, you can use the simple GET request show below. The number of identities returned is limited to ** 10 **. You must use pagination to return more results. ### Request: ``` curl -u admin:admin 'http://localhost:8080/idm-backend/api/v1/identities/' ``` ### Response: { "_embedded": {"identities": [ { "id": "7660871b-8b95-4676-87ba-742ffb5ee881", "created": "2017-06-12T10:48:46.998Z", "modified": "2017-06-12T10:50:44.096Z", "creator": "[SYSTEM]", "creatorId": null, "modifier": "admin", "modifierId": "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "originalCreator": "[SYSTEM]", "originalCreatorId": null, "originalModifier": "admin", "originalModifierId": "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "username": "john_doe", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "email": "john.doe@czechidm.eu", "phone": null, "titleBefore": null, "titleAfter": null, "description": null, "disabled": false, "_trimmed": true, "_embedded": {} }, { "id": "5144d990-3d99-4d2e-8c5e-5335f0c3e67e", "created": "2017-06-12T10:48:46.450Z", "modified": "2017-06-12T10:52:25.242Z", "creator": "[SYSTEM]", "creatorId": null, "modifier": "admin", "modifierId": "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "originalCreator": "[SYSTEM]", "originalCreatorId": null, "originalModifier": "admin", "originalModifierId": "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "username": "james_smith", "firstName": " James", "lastName": "Smith", "email": "james.smith@czechidm.eu", "phone": null, "titleBefore": null, "titleAfter": null, "description": null, "disabled": false, "_trimmed": true, "_embedded": {} }, { "id": "a42b0b2a-c4da-4b2d-b4c3-0d82d529e81c", "created": "2017-06-12T10:48:45.317Z", "modified": "2017-06-12T10:54:54.455Z", "creator": "[SYSTEM]", "creatorId": null, "modifier": "admin", "modifierId": "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "originalCreator": "[SYSTEM]", "originalCreatorId": null, "originalModifier": "admin", "originalModifierId": "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "username": "richard_miles", "firstName": "Richard", "lastName": "Miles", "email": "richard.miles@czechidm.eu", "phone": null, "titleBefore": null, "titleAfter": null, "description": null, "disabled": false, "_trimmed": true, "_embedded": {} }, { "id": "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "created": "2017-06-12T10:48:41.397Z", "modified": "2017-06-12T10:55:51.328Z", "creator": "[SYSTEM]", "creatorId": null, "modifier": "admin", "modifierId": "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "originalCreator": "[SYSTEM]", "originalCreatorId": null, "originalModifier": "admin", "originalModifierId": "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "username": "admin", "firstName": "Super", "lastName": "Admin", "email": "admin@czechidm.eu", "phone": null, "titleBefore": null, "titleAfter": null, "description": null, "disabled": false, "_trimmed": true, "_embedded": {} } ]}, "_links": {"self": {"href": "http://localhost:8080/idm-backend/api/v1/identities/?pageu=0&sizeu=3"}}, "page": { "size": 10, "totalElements": 4, "totalPages": 1, "number": 0 } } ## Reading identities with uses pagination Below is a example of how to get identity using pagination. We specify page of results by **page** parameter. The **size** parameter defines the number of records on the page. In this case, the first page will be returned, containing only one identity. ### Request: ``` curl -u admin:admin 'http://localhost:8080/idm-backend/api/v1/identities/?page=0&size=1' ``` ### Response: { "_embedded": {"identities": [ { "id": "7660871b-8b95-4676-87ba-742ffb5ee881", "created": "2017-06-12T10:48:46.998Z", "modified": "2017-06-12T10:50:44.096Z", "creator": "[SYSTEM]", "creatorId": null, "modifier": "admin", "modifierId": "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "originalCreator": "[SYSTEM]", "originalCreatorId": null, "originalModifier": "admin", "originalModifierId": "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "username": "john_doe", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "email": "john.doe@czechidm.eu", "phone": null, "titleBefore": null, "titleAfter": null, "description": null, "disabled": false, "_trimmed": true, "_embedded": {} }]}, "_links": { "first": {"href": "http://localhost:8080/idm-backend/api/v1/identities/?page=0&size=1"}, "self": {"href": "http://localhost:8080/idm-backend/api/v1/identities/?page=0&size=1"}, "next": {"href": "http://localhost:8080/idm-backend/api/v1/identities/?page=1&size=1"}, "last": {"href": "http://localhost:8080/idm-backend/api/v1/identities/?page=3&size=1"} }, "page": { "size": 1, "totalElements": 4, "totalPages": 4, "number": 0 } } ## Get the main identity position in organization Returns the identity of the main position in the organization (/work-position). Returned position contains all work position's parents in the tree structure and contract's working position as path. ### Request: ``` curl -u admin:admin 'http://localhost:8080/idm-backend/api/v1/identities/admin/work-position' ``` ### Response: { "id" : "b34e015f-0a27-45f2-b333-c01478d22f37", "created" : "2017-06-13T10:54:18.439Z", "modified" : "2017-06-13T10:54:29.956Z", "creator" : "admin", "creatorId" : "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "modifier" : "admin", "modifierId" : "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "originalCreator" : "admin", "originalCreatorId" : "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "originalModifier" : "admin", "originalModifierId" : "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "identity" : { "id" : "7660871b-8b95-4676-87ba-742ffb5ee881", "created" : "2017-06-12T10:48:46.998Z", "modified" : "2017-06-12T10:50:44.096Z", "creator" : "[SYSTEM]", "creatorId" : null, "modifier" : "admin", "modifierId" : "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "originalCreator" : "[SYSTEM]", "originalCreatorId" : null, "originalModifier" : "admin", "originalModifierId" : "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "username" : "john_doe", "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "email" : "john.doe@czechidm.eu", "phone" : null, "titleBefore" : null, "titleAfter" : null, "description" : null, "disabled" : false, "_trimmed" : false, "_embedded" : { } }, "contract" : { "id" : "b34e015f-0a27-45f2-b333-c01478d22f37", "created" : "2017-06-13T10:54:18.439Z", "modified" : "2017-06-13T10:54:29.956Z", "creator" : "admin", "creatorId" : "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "modifier" : "admin", "modifierId" : "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "originalCreator" : "admin", "originalCreatorId" : "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "originalModifier" : "admin", "originalModifierId" : "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d", "identity" : "7660871b-8b95-4676-87ba-742ffb5ee881", "validFrom" : null, "validTill" : null, "guarantee" : null, "position" : "Director", "externe" : false, "disabled" : false, "main" : true, "workPosition" : "e8a69620-be42-433b-ad98-1b95d448a6ba", "description" : null, "valid" : true, "_trimmed" : false, "_embedded" : { "workPosition" : { "id" : "e8a69620-be42-433b-ad98-1b95d448a6ba", "created" : "2017-06-12T10:48:47.492Z", "modified" : null, "creator" : "[SYSTEM]", "creatorId" : null, "modifier" : null, "modifierId" : null, "originalCreator" : "[SYSTEM]", "originalCreatorId" : null, "originalModifier" : null, "originalModifierId" : null, "code" : "one", "name" : "Organization One", "parent" : "59f10d91-259e-4fad-8820-39b1607665c8", "treeType" : "9920488b-984a-40d0-8af8-108332cc25ab", "disabled" : false, "_trimmed" : true, "_embedded" : { "parent" : { "id" : "59f10d91-259e-4fad-8820-39b1607665c8", "created" : "2017-06-12T10:48:42.706Z", "modified" : null, "creator" : "[SYSTEM]", "creatorId" : null, "modifier" : null, "modifierId" : null, "originalCreator" : "[SYSTEM]", "originalCreatorId" : null, "originalModifier" : 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