====== Bulk actions ======
{{tag> bulk action operation}}
===== How they work =====
There are 2 types of bulk action:
* **With items selected**
* **Without items selected** - action can be executed without items being selected on frontend - can be used on the whole agenda for importing / exporting features or simply for all data within the agenda.
===== Log items =====
After every successful or failed process for identity a log item displaying the result model is created. These log items are saved into processed items. This is a table just like for schedulable tasks, except without removing or check the existing items. It is used only for logging results from processed items. There is no other logic behind it.
===== Pre-validation =====
In some cases, need to obtain additional information and show it to the user before bulk operation starts. For example operation for invoking account management for all identities with an assigned role. In this case it is displayed how many identites have a particular role (before starting the bulk action).
{{ :devel:documentation:bulk_actions:dev:bulk_prevalidate_all.png |}}
{{ :devel:documentation:bulk_actions:dev:bulk_prevalidate_warn.png |}}
===== Adding a new bulk action =====
Now it is possible to add a new bulk action **only for identites**.
For bulk actions there is no form definition.