===== Configuration - backend ===== {{tag> configuration}} All configuration items which are used solely for IdM begin with ''idm.'' prefix. The configuration items from the file can be overloaded through a setting agenda in the gui => a server restart isn't needed for changing the configuration with ''idm.'' prefix. The configuration is saved in the database. Use ''ConfigurationService'' for reading and saving configuration items. === Naming conventions of the configuration items in IdM: === * ''idm.'' - configuration items for the needs of IdM * ''idm.pub.'' - public configuration items - published on a public rest endpoint (e.g. version) * ''idm.sec.'' - system configuration items - published on a secure rest endpoint and available for configuration by the application administrator. They are used for backend configuration. If configuration item is confidential, then value is stored in [[..:..:security:dev:confidential-storage|confidential storage]] and value is not send to frontend, application logs etc. Items with key ''password'', ''token'', ''secret'' are automatically set as confidential - use it for configuration items defined in property file only. * ''idm.sec..'' or ''idm.pub..'' - configuration items of the given module. Use ''ModuleDescriptor#getId()'' as ''''. * if the name of a configuration item contains the''password'' or ''token'' chain, the value of the configuration item is hidden in the rest interface listing (or rather replaced with substitute characters). * It is better to use constants for keys, e.g. ''ConfigurationService.IDM\_PUBLIC\_PROPERTY\_PREFIX + "core.identity.delete"'' - using seperator constant in key name suffix is not preferred - constant can be simply found by key suffix ("ctrl-f" + "core.identity.delete"). * ''cache'' - cache configuiration items - type of cache and other cache parameters are configured here ====Configuration - frontend==== {{tag> configuration}} Frontend configuration is stored in ''czechidm-app'' module under ''czechidm-app/config'' folder and is separated by profile (by client) and stage (development / test / production) [[https://github.com/bcvsolutions/CzechIdMng/tree/master/Realization/frontend/czechidm-app/config|read more]].