===== Configuration ===== Module configuration properties In the application profile (application.properties) and overloadable via ConfigurationService. # Recertification due date - default will be now() + 30 days. # default: 30 [days] idm.sec.rec.configuration.dueDateDays=30 # Recertification interval - default will be 0 days. Set to zero, when recertification will be created for already certified items. # default: 0 [days] idm.sec.rec.configuration.recertificationInterval=0 # If more than given recipients by given role is found, then limit is applied (prevent to spam all identities). # default: 50 idm.sec.rec.configuration.notification.recipientLimit=50 ===== Notification ===== Module provides notifications and topics: - ''rec:newRecertificationRequest'' - New recertification request was created. The notification shall be sent to the available approvers. - ''rec:recertificationDueDateWarning'' - Sends warning notification before recertification request is expired (due date). See ''RecertificationDueDateWarningTaskExecutor'' task. Templates were created for topic above with the same name (uppercase without ':'). Topic have ''email'' sender configured by default. ===== Long running task ===== Module provides tasks: ==== RecertificationDueDateWarningTaskExecutor ==== Sends warning notification before recertification request is expired (due date). Task is not configured by default. === Parameters === * ''days-before'' - Number of days before due date expires.