====== IDEA ====== {{tag> ide}} Configuration quickstart for developing CzechIdM in IntelliJ IDEA. ====== Import project ====== - Open Idea and choose to //Import project (File → New → Project from Existing Sources)// - Import the ''/–path–/CzechIdM/Realization/backend/aggregator'' project, where ''–path–'' is wherever you pulled your sources, click //Next// - {{ .:importmaven.png?nolink&460x581 }}The aggregator project should import all dependencies automatically, give it some time. - Next. Next… Project should be imported. - Make sure to set dev profile in the maven panel on the right - {{ .:dev-profile.png?nolink&269x556 }}You should be good to go. ====== Metamodel generation ====== After creating the project, make sure following modules are available in explorer: * ic * acc * core-api * core-impl * core-test-api To set up metamodel generation, go to "File → Settings → Build, Execution, Deployment → Compiler, Annotation Processors" and tick "Enable annotation processing". Now rebuild the project. ====== Code style ====== Go to "File → Settings → Editor → Code style → Java". On the first tab, "Tabs and indents", tick "Use tab character". On next tab "Imports" put 999 to "Class count to use import with '*'" and "Names count to use static imports with '*'. Next adjust the Import Layout on the bottom of the window as: static all other, blank, java.*, blank, javax.*, blank, org.*, blank, com.*, blank, all other imports ====== Configure test runner ====== This currently doesn't seem to work, alternative is to just check the test profile in Maven and run specific tests over one folder by right-click > run tests in java To create test run configuration for all modules (including 'acc'), go to Run/Debug Configuration, click '+' and choose 'JUnit'. Use following settings: * Test kind: All in package * Package: eu.bcvsolutions.idm * Search for tests: whole project * Before launch: Build * Add to VM options following: -ea -Dspring.profiles.active=test **-Dspring.profiles.active=test** ||| This is the only way how you can run tests under profile test. It is also used for a single test. Save the configuration and test it by running. Tests from all modules should be executed. ====== Launch on Tomcat ====== First of all make sure that you have Tomcat 9.0 installed. Then chose Tomcat server in Run/Debug Configurations in IDEA. Set URL to "http://localhost:8080/idm-backend/api/v1/status". On a "Deployment" tab set Application context to ''idm-backend/''. Apply and try to launch the project on server. At this point I had an error that said something like "name or service not known", there is the link that helped me solving this error: "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19068977/intellij-cant-start-simple-web-application-unable-to-ping-server-at-localhost". {{.:screenshot2024-07-04at9.42.09.png?nolink&617x218}} TIP 01: Deploy exploded artefact instead of compressed one. TIP 02: If there is nothing deployed to the server check File → Project Structure → Artefacts tab. Add all modules you want to deploy to the artefact you deploy. This should happen automatically by Maven but sometimes it doesn't. ====== Importing a Module ====== To develop a module alongside main CzechIdm, import the module from Project Structure > Project Settings > Modules > Right click in the list of modules > Add > Import Module {{.:screenshot2023-12-04153509.png?nolink&1035x921}} When the module is imported, go to Artifacts tab and drag the module artifact over idm-backend.war. {{.:idm-war.png?nolink&855x579}} Then rebuild the project. When you reload Maven configuration, this change will disappear and you have to re-add the module to war again ===== Troubleshooting ===== If you see errors with missing dependencies, try to reload Maven profiles (double-shift > reload Maven). If that doesn't help, try to rebuild project from command line ''mvn clean install -DskipTests''