====== Roles and multiple environments of connected system ====== Provided you connect a system to CzechIdM that is available in multiple environments - testing, production, preproduction etc. - you can distinct roles in two ways * by prefixing/suffixing its name by the environment shortcut (e.g. prod_mailingListABC) and place them into separate containers in role catalog or * use roles' environment attribute ===== Role environment attribute ===== Role with the same base code attribute can be created for different environment. Final role code is combined from the base code and environment attribute: * ''baseCode'' - basic identifier of the role e.g. **roleOne**. * ''environment'' - environment identifier, e.g. **dev**. * ''code'' - ''baseCode''|''environment''. For example **roleOne|dev**. Or just **roleOne**, when environment is not defined for the role.