====== Getting Started ======
{{tag>tutorial installation}}
An overview of CzechIdM, how to download it, setup and use in a presentation environment.
This howto is intended for quick demo environment that can be prepared in 5 minutes. It nicely serves for first look on application and its GUI.
Note that it relies on bundled in-memory database H2. After you stop the application server, you will lose all its data.
If you want to use CzechIdM in production environment see full-blown [[tutorial:adm:server_preparation| server preparation guide]] and [[tutorial:adm:czechidm_installation|installation tutorial]].
===== Requirements =====
* Java 11 (Java 21 for CzechIdM 13.1.0+)
* Windows or Unix/Linux operating system or Mac OS
* Web browser Firefox, Chrome, Edge
* Databases - MS-SQL or PostgreSQL
* Application servers - Apache Tomcat and JBOSS WildFly
==== Server sizing ====
[[faq:prerequisites_and_system_requirements|Here is recomended HW configuration]].
==== Java ====
* [[https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/jdk11-archive-downloads.html|Download]] and install a Java (11 (21 for CzechIdM 13.1.0+)) SE Runtime Environment (JRE).
* Install steps depend on your system. Please follow [[https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/install/installation-jdk-microsoft-windows-platforms.html|this guide]] to install Java. You can also use a full Java Development Kit (JDK).
==== Tomcat ====
* [[https://mirror.dkm.cz/apache/tomcat/tomcat-9/v9.0.45/bin/apache-tomcat-9.0.45.zip|Download]] and unzip Tomcat (v.9.0.45) binary archive to newly created folder: "apache-tomcat-9.0.45". Copy to place in "Program Files"
* For advanced Tomcat setup, you can follow instructions in file **RUNNING.txt** in the downloaded tomcat archive.
==== CzechIdM ====
* [[http://download.czechidm.com/CzechIdM/nightly/current/idm.war|Download]] current nightly build.
* Copy **idm.war** to folder **apache-tomcat-9.0.45/webapps/**.
===== Starting the application =====
To start the application, go to folder **apache-tomcat-9.0.45/bin/** and run this command:
For unix-like system you may need to set permissions to allow execution of these files: startup.sh, shutdown.sh, catalina.sh
**For unix-like systems:**
**For windows systems:**
After its start, Tomcat will load the CzechIdM application. This process may take a while. You can check the progress in Tomcat's logfile: //apache-tomcat-9.0.45/logs/catalina.out//. After the application finishes loading, you can access it with a web browser on this URL:
To log in, you can use this administrator account:
Username: admin
Password: admin
After the CzechIdM has started, you can follow [[tutorial:adm:basic_operations| basic steps tutorial]] or more generally read our product [[devel:documentation:start|documentation]] which will show you how to actually use the identity manager.
IdM is running with temporary DB - H2. It is sufficient for quick look around in IdM, but when IdM reboots, data is lost. If you want to keep data, you can swich to [[tutorial:adm:czechidm_installation_quick_demo_postgresql|PostgreSQL]].
===== Stopping the application =====
To stop the application go to folder **apache-tomcat-9.0.45/bin/** and run this command:
**For unix like systems:**
**For windows systems:**
===== Demo =====
To get a quick glance onto the CzechIdM's user interface and its workings, you can also access a [[http://demo.czechidm.com/|live demo]] with the last nightly build.
===== Full deploy =====
To install CzechIdM e.g. in test or production environment, you probably want to use proper DB. Read this CzechIdM [[tutorial:adm:czechidm_installation|installation tutorial]]. We also prepared a cookbook for [[tutorial:adm:server_preparation|server preparation]]
===== Developing CzechIdM =====
If you want to develop CzechIdM, the best way is to follow tutorial [[tutorial:dev:creating_a_development_environment|]] or for a quick glance [[tutorial:dev:quick_start_with_devstack|]]
===== Contact us =====
If you need some other information, you can use [[https://www.czechidm.com/#contact|this form]] to contact us.
For complete listing of contact options, pricing and such, please see the [[https://wiki.czechidm.com/support|support wiki page]].