====== Notification - set a notification when an extended attribute changes ====== ===== FormValueBeforeChangeNotifyProcessor ===== This processor sets the value of original source before overwriting its value. In IdmFormInstance is this feature not available yet. It is needed for purpose of the next processor - will be removed, when original source is set by default in service. ===== FormValueChangedNotifyProcessor ===== The processor sends a notification about the change in the extended attribute to all who hold the role sets in the configuration. The configuration is handled by configuration properties. ===== Configuration ===== Set all these properties in **Settings -> Configuration** idm.sec.core.event.notification.****.attributesNames=attr idm.sec.core.event.notification.****.roles=testNot Entity Type here means a type of owner of the form definition. So when you need notification for an extended attribute of identity, then just put IdmIdentity there. See the picture below for example. {{ :tutorial:adm:p01.png?600 |}} ===== Data preparation ===== Next, we need some role and extended attribute. You can prepare those according to these tutorials. **Role**: https://wiki.czechidm.com/tutorial/adm/new_role **Eav**: https://wiki.czechidm.com/tutorial/adm/eav ===== Configuration of notification ===== ==== Template ==== It is up to you what will be in the message. Here is an example of a notification template for our usage. Put **entity,eavValues** in parameters and chose some name (we use **testTemplateName**) and subject.

Dobrý den,

Na entitě $entity.getUsername() byly změněny monitorované extended attributy:

#if( !$eavValues.isEmpty() ) #foreach( $field in $eavValues ) Položka: $field.getName()
  • Původní hodnota: $field.getOldValue().getValue().toString()
  • Nová hodnota: $field.getNewValue().getValue().toString()

  • #end #end S pozdravem CzechIdM.



    On entity $entity.getUsername() were changed monitored extended attributes:

    #if( !$eavValues.isEmpty() ) #foreach( $field in $eavValues ) Property: $field.getName()
  • Original value: $field.getOldValue().getValue().toString()
  • New value: $field.getNewValue().getValue().toString()
  • #end #end
    Regards CzechIdM.
    ==== Configuration ==== * Notification -> Configuration * Add - green button * Choose template with name: testTemplateName * Topic of notification is: core:EavMonitoredFieldsChanged - for example core:IdmIdentityEavMonitoredFieldsChanged * Add other properties Notification is sent only when something changes. ===== EavValue entity ===== For the purpose of the message template, there is created a helpful entity. In this entity, you can get old value and new value. See the example template.