====== Systems - Simple: rest api connector ======
===== Basic configuration =====
In this tutorial I will show you how to connect to Dscs rest api. REST api is created by this tutorial: [[https://wiki.czechidm.com/tutorial/adm/api_requirements#api_-_requirements_for_a_system_to_be_connected|here]]
===== Quick explanation of rest api headers to understand filleds in configuration =====
Every request (CRUD) contains these attributes:
* Accept: application/json
* login: someUserName
* password: somePasswd
* client: someClientNumber
* businessunit: someBusinessUnit
If request have return body it has one more value:
* content-type: application/json
===== Quick explanation of rest api returned values from request to understand filleds in configuration =====
Body of sending request (POST):
"Id": "john.doe",
"Name": "john",
"Surname": "doe",
"Disabled": false,
"Email": "john@doe.com",
"Role": "someRole",
"BusinessUnit": "someBusinessUnit"
Body of update request (PUT):
"Id": "john.doe",
"Name": "newJohn",
"Surname": "newDoe",
"Disabled": false,
"Email": "newJohn@newDoe.com"
Get values from api (GET) Api will return body in this format. Attribute names "Id" and "Name" are filled in Configuration **!This example is returned body from rest api!**:
"Id": "john.doe",
"Name": "newJohn",
"Surname": "newDoe",
"Disabled": false,
"Email": "newJohn@newDoe.com"
Delete entity (DELETE):
Is not supported!
===== Connector configuration =====
Go to **Systems **click **Add** button set name and block delete operation because delete is not supported. Then click on the **Save and continue **button.
After save go to the **Connector configuration** set Connector type as DscsConnectorConnector and click it.
Next, fill form for connection to api. Description of values:
* Url - url where api is accessible
* Login - user name of account for access will be in header of request
* Password - password for account for access will be in header of request
* Client - Identification for client which will be in header
* Business unit - Identification for business unit which will be in header
* Name - this field set what attribute in json will be name for entity. In this case it is "Name".
* Id - this field set what attribute in json will be id for entity. In this case it is "Id".
Example of configuration:
===== Scheme for attributes =====
Generate scheme for mapping attributes with green button **Generate the scheme** for Synchronization and Provisioning. Type of object scheme is __ACCOUNT__ which is for connection of identities. In loaded attributes i have __NAME__ which is defined by standard but not be used in this case.
Example of __ACCOUNT__ object attributes:
===== Map attributes for synchronization =====
In Mapping you can map loaded attributes from previous step. Firs of all click add button set **Operation type **as **Synchronization**. In **Mapped attributes **click **ADD **and fill map attributes. Do not use __NAME__!
For mapping "Id" is example:
It will connect attributes from json to idm attributes of identity. My mapped attributes for synchronization are these:
Now on **Synchronization tab** you can **ADD **new task. Check **Reconciliation **checkbox. Fill **Name.** Choose **Set of mapped attributes** chose created mapping for synchronization. Finally set **Correlation attribute **typically Id. Click **SAVE AND CONTINUE**. Back to Synchronization tab and click start (green arrow).
===== Provisioning =====
Create mapping for Provisioning in **Mapping** tab of system. Mapped attributes will be in json body in requests. set **Operation type** on Provisioning. And connect attributes. Do not use __NAME__!
My example: