====== Systems - DB: TreeNodes (org. structure) provisioning ======
===== What do you need before you start =====
* You need install **CzechIdM 7.7.0** (and higher).
* You need be logged in as **admin**.
* You need enable **ACC** module.
* You must have database **jdbcTest** with table **organizations**:
WITH OWNER = idmadmin
TABLESPACE = pg_default
LC_CTYPE = 'cs_CZ.UTF-8'
CREATE TABLE public.organizations
id character varying(255),
code character varying(255),
name character varying(255),
parent character varying(255)
ALTER TABLE public.organizations
OWNER TO idmadmin;
===== Create and edit DB system =====
We have completely empty organization's agenda.
{{ :tutorial:adm:sync_01.png |}}
Now we go into **Systems** agenda and add new system. Click on green button **Add**.
{{ :tutorial:adm:sync_02.png |}}
Fill **System name** and at bottom of page there is green button **Save and continue**, so click on it.
{{ :tutorial:adm:sync_03.png |}}
Go to **Configuration** tab and fill in information about your database. Ours are as such:
^ Host ^ jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/jdbcTest ^
| Port | 5432 |
| User | idmadmin |
| User Password | ******** |
| Database | jdbcTest |
| Table | organizations |
| Key Column | id |
| JDBC Driver | org.postgresql.Driver |
| JDBC Connection URL | jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/jdbcTest |
{{ :tutorial:adm:sync_04.png |}}
Then go to tab **Scheme** and generate scheme.
{{ :tutorial:adm:sync_05.png |}}
Then go to **Mapping** and click on **Add** button.
{{ :tutorial:adm:sync_06.png |}}
Now fill in information from picture bellow and click on **Save and continue**.
{{ :tutorial:adm:prov_07.png |}}
At the bottom of page, there are mapped attributes. We are going to add 4 attributes:
^ Attribute in schema ^ Name ^ Identifier ^ Entity attr. ^ Extended attr. ^ Entity field ^ IdM key ^
| code | code | false | true | false | Code (String) | |
| name | name | false | true | false | Name (String) | |
| parent | parent | false | true | false | Parent (String) | |
| __NAME__ | __NAME__ | true | false | true | | externalId |
Fill "code, name, parent" as in the picture:
{{ :tutorial:adm:prov_08.png |}}
But "\_\_NAME\_\_" fill like this picture:
{{ :tutorial:adm:prov_09.png |}}
Now we have 4 mapped attributes:
{{ :tutorial:adm:prov_10.png |}}
Go to the section **Organization** (in the left menu) to **Structure elements** tab and **Add** new organization.
{{ :tutorial:adm:prov_11.png |}}
Fill in information of root organization:
{{ :tutorial:adm:prov_12.png |}}
Then add another organization, but this one will be child of root:
{{ :tutorial:adm:prov_13.png |}}
As you can see in section **Organization** we have two structure elements.
{{ :tutorial:adm:prov_14.png |}}
And in database:
{{ :tutorial:adm:prov_15.png |}}
If you have it in a state like in the upper picture you successfully complete this tutorial.
Thank you for trying this tutorial, I hope it was useful.