====== Customize password change form ======
Password change can be customized by component descriptor. If you want add or remove components in user password change it is possible by module descriptor, example:
'id': 'basic-password-change',
'type': 'password-change-component',
'component': require('./src/components/advanced/PasswordChangeComponent/PasswordChangeComponent'),
'disabled': false,
'order': 0,
'col': 6
If in module descriptor will not be found components, on password change will be show warning.
Password agenda is from version 9.6.0 composed by two another detail **password change form** and **password metadata detail**. Registrable components can be defined only on password change form.
* **id**: unique identifier the component,
* **type**: type for password change form must be //password-change-component//,
* **component**: specific component that will be included into password change form,
* **disabled**: if the component will be visibled,
* **order**: order of the component, default component in core has 0 order,
* **col**: boostrap col-lg style of the component.
To each component that will be in password change form is addded these props:
* **userContext**: current logged user context,
* **accountOptions**: array with available accounts (CzechIdM and another accounts),
* **entityId**: id of entity for that will be password change done.