====== Dynamic form - localization ====== {{tag> configuration eav form}} The aim of this tutorial is show the way, how to add localization for [[devel:documentation:application_configuration:dev:dynamic-forms#localization|dynamic form]]. ===== What do you need before you start ===== * You need to install CzechIdM 8.1.0 (and higher). We have CzechIdM installed for this tutorial on server ''http://localhost:8080/idm''. * Create an identity, which has permission to work with dynamic forms (at least read form definitions and attributes). We are using the default ''admin:admin'' identity. ===== 01 Create new dynamic form ===== We will create new dynamic form for identity. From will be shown on identity detail on 'More information' tab. Go to menu 'Settings' -> 'Form definitions' and add new definition: * Type - ''eu.bcvsolutions.idm.core.model.entity.IdmIdentity'' * //type is ''spinal-cased'' => ''eu-bcvsolutions-idm-core-model-entity-idmidentity'' and used as section in localization file under ''eav'' section.// * Code - ''myform'' * //code is ''spinal-cased'' => ''myform'' and used as section in localization file under type ''eu-bcvsolutions-idm-core-model-entity-idmidentity'' section.// * Name - ''Awesome form'' Define form attributes as bellow (required is code and name only, other attribute properties are optional for this tutorial): {{ :tutorial:dev:form-definition-localization-attributes.png |}} ===== 02 Add localization ===== On form definition detail new tab 'Form localization' was added: {{ :tutorial:dev:form-definition-localization-how-to.png |}} Copy form definition section from how-to, then go to ''core'' module frontend localization files (''src/locales/...'') and paste it under ''eav.eu-bcvsolutions-idm-core-model-entity-idmidentity'' section (or create her, if doesn't exist). Then localization values (attribute labels, helps, placeholders) can be edited: "myform": { "label": "My awesome form", "help": "This is my new awesome form", "attributes": { "phone": { "label": "My phone", "help": "Enter your phone", "placeholder": "Enter your favorite phone" }, "email": { "label": "My email", "help": "Enter your email", "placeholder": "Enter your favorite email" } } } ===== 03 Test ===== Go to identity detail and ''More information'' tab, you can see: {{ :tutorial:dev:dynamic-form-localization-profile.png |}}