====== Table in GUI - create a new ======
We will use one of components in Advanced folder. It is Table component. We can find this component in Basic too, but it's better to use Advanced for its "advanced" features such as sorting of columns.
It is used like this:
{ return Utils.Ui.getRowClass(data[rowIndex]); }} // TODO
filter={this.getAdvancedFilter()} // There are user adjustable filters - filters are shown bellow
filterOpened={filterOpened} // If filter form is shown or not
_searchParameters={searchParameters} // TODO
actions={actionToAdjustItems} // Actions are connected to showRowSelection. It's a selection table with operation for selected rows
buttons={somebuttons}> // Buttons to be in table
If we want implement manager and service we can use [[tutorial:dev:crud_agenda|this tutorial]].
Now we need to add some columns into our table
In same folder we can find column component. You can see its usage README.dm.
For filter we just use //Form//: