# Concept for role request REST endpoint This endpoint allows you to create and manage role concepts in your request to change permissions. Request for change permissions is created using endpoint /role-requests. A change of permission request may include N changes, some assign new roles, some modify existing ones, or remove them. Each of these changes is defined as a role concept managed in this endpoint.

The basic procedure for change identity permissions is therefore:

  1. Create a request to change the permissions.
  2. Create role concepts (this endpoint).
  3. Run the request as a whole.

# Supports

If you want to use the REST API, you must be logged in. The easiest way is to use Basic authentication directly in request "- u admin: admin".

# API TODO: Swagger

# Examples ## Create concept role in request We will created new role concept for created role request.

In example request you have to fill correct:

### Request: ``` curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u admin:admin http://localhost:8080/idm-backend/api/v1/concept-role-requests/ -d '{"roleRequest":"[FILL ID OF ROLE REQUEST]","identityContract":"[FILL ID OF IDENTITY CONTRACT]","role":"[FILL ID OF ROLE]","identityRole":null,"roleTreeNode":null, "validFrom":null, "validTill":"2018-12-31", "operation":"ADD"}'


### Response:

  "id" : "9ea10cbb-b27b-44a0-852a-4c045960ecd1",
  "created" : "2017-06-14T11:40:27.074Z",
  "modified" : null,
  "creator" : "admin",
  "creatorId" : "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d",
  "modifier" : null,
  "modifierId" : null,
  "originalCreator" : "admin",
  "originalCreatorId" : "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d",
  "originalModifier" : null,
  "originalModifierId" : null,
  "roleRequest" : "d2f3a456-8803-46b0-808f-9be84d84d94f",
  "identityContract" : "b34e015f-0a27-45f2-b333-c01478d22f37",
  "role" : "2e8d493a-8368-4417-af88-08ad682a2ca1",
  "identityRole" : null,
  "roleTreeNode" : null,
  "validFrom" : null,
  "validTill" : "2018-12-31",
  "operation" : "ADD",
  "state" : "CONCEPT",
  "wfProcessId" : null,
  "log" : null,
  "_trimmed" : false,
  "_embedded" : {[!SHORTENED_FOR_CLEARITY!]}
  "_links" : {
    "self" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/idm-backend/api/v1/concept-role-requests/9ea10cbb-b27b-44a0-852a-4c045960ecd1"