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User type

User type (projection) was added in CzechIdM version 10.2.0. Projection defines frontend form to read, create and edit user. We can create and edit user by different form. For example externe and internal employee can be created and edited differently (different attributes has to be filled). Used projection for user creation is set as user type.

Configurable form in product

Form projection with configurable features was added into product core module:

If projection works with role requests only, then loading of all assigned identity roles could be disabled - by projection configuration property load-assigned-roles

Default user detail

Default user detail is still available and is used for users without projection is specified. Default user detail can be used as projection with route /form/identity too:

How to register new form

New projection can be added with the same structure in custom module. Is needed to add new content representing form projection (e.g. copy or reuse form projection from product), register new route in routes.js, register new route component (e.g. by generalize prepared AbstractFormProjectionRoute) and expose new edpoint on backend if needed (if provided IdmIdentityProjectionDto is insuffiscient).

Projection will obtain entityId route parameter with identity codeable identifier (username or uuid).


Source codes are placed in example module. Product backend is reused and example provides new frontend form for new projection. Form saves identity username only.

Create new form src/content/identity/projection/ExampleIdentityProjection.js with content:


Register new route in 'routes.js':

  path: 'example/form/identity-projection/:entityId',
  component: require('./src/content/identity/projection/ExampleIdentityProjection'),
  access: [ { type: 'HAS_ANY_AUTHORITY', authorities: ['IDENTITY_READ' ] } ]

Register new component:

 * Example identity form projection.
 * @since 10.3.0
public class ExampleIdentityFormProjectionRoute extends AbstractFormProjectionRoute<IdmIdentity> {
	public static final String PROJECTION_NAME = "/example/form/identity-projection";
	public String getName() {


Two projections are localized by default in product. If projection with code identity-externe or identity-internal will be configured, then localization will be used.

  "eav": { 
    "form-projection": {
      "identity-externe": {
        "label": "Externe user",
        "help": "Create externe user",
        "icon": "fa:walking",
        "level": "primary"
      "identity-internal": {
        "label": "Internal employee",
        "help": "Create internal user",
        "icon": "fa:user",
        "level": "success"

Localization can be added to newly configured projection in custom module. Projection localization is based on the same convetions as localization for [form definition].

Supported properties:

Future improvement

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