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Roles assignment deduplication

Yes, CzechIdM allows assigning two identical roles to the same contract. Why?

Deduplication (bulk action)

Deduplication is a bulk action that is available on User agenda.

Deduplication removes only manually added roles. Roles that were assigned by automatic roles or by business roles will never be removed.

Bulk action deduplication has several options that change the manner of checking whether two roles are duplicates. All options that are available:

Evaluate algorithm

2 roles assignments are duplicated if they pass all these rules: * the same role (role code attribute), * on the same identity contract, * assigned automatically and manually directly, or manually directly and manually directly, or manually directly and by business role (automatically or manually) * must have same role parameters expect same values * are valid "at the same time" - this is a bit tricky, see the Examples below

The evaluation algorithm or the whole deduplication process can be implemented for custom needs in your project.


We resolve duplicity of two assigned roles by their validity or validity on contract. For a better overview there are some examples with a commentary:

In this case, both roles are assigned manually and role A has infinite validity. The process will remove B role.

   A   |---------|

In this case, both roles are assigned manually and both roles have infinite validity. In this case the algorithm removes the role that has been assigned earlier.

   A   <--------->

In this case, both roles are assigned manually and the role B is in validity range of role A. Role B will be removed.

         A  |-------------|

In this case, both roles are assigned manually and both have the same validity. In this case algorithm removes the role that has bee assigned earlier.

        A |-------------|

In this case both roles were assigned manually and contract has infinite validity. In this case, no role will be removed.

            A             |------|
       |----------|       |      |

In this case is both roles were assigned manually and the contract has the same valid till as valid till as role A. The process will remove B role.

            A         |------|
       |----------|   |      |
    |	          |
   now		contract
   		valid till

In this case the role MAN was manually added and the role AUTO is automatically added. The process will remove the MAN role.

    AUTO  |--------------|

In this case the role MAN was manually added and the role AUTO is automatically added. The process will remove MAN role, because the automatic role has the same validity as the contract and the manually added role is now invalid.

          AUTO      |-----|
      |--------|    |     |

In this case the role MAN was manually added and the role AUTO was automatically added. Both roles have filled validity but valid till of role MAN is a little bit shorter than role AUTO. The process will remove the MAN role.

    AUTO |-------------------|

In this case the role MAN was manually added and role AUTO was automatically added. Both roles have filled validity but valid from for the role MAN is little bit longer than the role AUTO. The process will remove the MAN role.

      |        |--------------| AUTO

In this case the role MAN was manually added and the role AUTO was automatically added. Both roles will be valid in future. No role will be removed.

           |-----| AUTO

In this case the role MAN was manually added and the role AUTO was automatically added. Role MAN has infinity validity and the process will remove the MAN role, because AUTO role has the same validity as the contract.

           |-----| AUTO