Table of Contents

Synchronization - contractual relationship

Identity (contractual) relationship synchronization works mostly according to the same rules as identity synchronization. In this page we will described only extra behavior specific for this synchronization.

What is contractual relationship

They define the link between the identity and the tree structure. In the application, we advance the logic according to which every identity has at least one contractual relationship. Typically one contractual relationship is equals to one contract in company for the identity.

Actions after end of sync

Actions executes after end of sync are not executed when user canceled sync!

HR processes

In new IdM installation must HR processes be running at least once manually or by trigger. Without this, sync will be not able find HR tasks (warning will be logged in sync log)!

HR processes in the base ensure the correct state of identity depending on the state of their contractual relationships. Because we need to evaluate the status of contractual relationships as a whole (to a given identity), it is not possible to trigger HR processes during the synchronization of each contractual relationship. Therefore, no HR processes are executed during this synchronization.

HR processes can be (should be) correctly started after the end of the sync. This can be ensured by the property `After end, start the HR processes` on the detail of sync configuration. If is this property ticked, then HR processes 'Enabled contract', 'End of contract', 'Contract exclusion' (in this order) will be automatically started after correctly end of contract relationships sync.

Automatic roles

Recalculation of automatic roles is skipped during sync. Recalculation of automatic roles can be (should be) correctly started after the end of the sync. This can be ensured by the property 'After end, start the automatic role recalculation' on the detail of sync configuration.

Fields for sync contractual relationship mapping

Guarantees field

List of leaders, directly linked on the contractual relation. Linked leader must exists in IdM. Output from attribute transformation can be:

If some leader will not found. Then will be synchronization item marked as 'warning' (relation will be created/saved). Detail information will be saved in item log:

Finding guarantee [temslie7].
Warning! - Identity [temslie7] was not found for [temslie7]!

Work position field

Define link to some tree node. Generaly define place in organization structure. Output from attribute transformation can be:

If node will not found. Then will be synchronization item marked as 'warning' (relation will be created/saved). Detail information will be saved in item log:

Work position - try find directly by transformed value [Divanoodle]!
Work position - was not not found directly from transformed value [Divanoodle]!
Work position - try find in default tree type [DEFAULT_ORG] with code [Divanoodle]!
Warning - Work position - none node found for code [Divanoodle]!
When there is no work-position attribute defined in the mapping, then none default position will be set.

Other positions field

Define link to other contract positions - tree nodes. Generaly define other contract places in organization structure. Output from attribute transformation can be:

State field

State of contract. Output from attribute transformation must be enumeration ContractState or String representation for this enumeration.

ContractState have this values:

In some situations can be informations needed to determine result state in more than once source attributes.

For example we can have attribute 'state' with one of values (10,20,30) and second attribute 'disabled' (with value true/false). In this case states '10' and '30' marks that contractual relation is 'excluded', but when attribute 'disabled' will be 'true', then final state of relation must be 'DISABLED'.

In some situations, we need evaluate values form more source attributes.

In this case you can use attribute 'icAttributes' (in attribute transformation from the system). This attribute contains all object attributes from the system.

For resolve situation discrabed above was created transformation script 'compileIdentityRelationState' (included in ACC module):

* Compiles identity-relation state. Returns final state for the relation
* (contract). Uses input value as relation state and value from defined
* disabled attribute (from whole IC attributes ... comes from source system)
* Result for this script can be one value from [DISABLED, EXCLUDED, null].

Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
        "compile-identity-relation-state-script");"Start 'Compile identity-relation state' script.");
 * Name of attribute contains disable information (for identity relation) on the
 * target system.
final String disableAttributeName = "disabled";
 * In this states is relation excluded;
final String[] excludeStates = [ "10", "30" ];
 * Define if is relation disabled;
boolean disabled = false;

 * Define state of relation comes from source system (assumes String value)
String stateValue = null;

if(attributeValue != null) {
    if(!(attributeValue instanceof String))
        throw new SynchronizationException(MessageFormat.format(
                "Value [{0}] for identity-relation state must be String, but is [{1}] (System [{2}])", attributeValue,
                value.getClass(), system.getCode()));
    stateValue = (String) attributeValue;

if(icAttributes != null){
    for (IcAttribute icAttribute : icAttributes) {
        if (disableAttributeName.equalsIgnoreCase(icAttribute.getName())) {
            Object disableValue = icAttribute.getValue();
            if (disableValue == null) {
                disabled = false;
            } else {
                if (disableValue instanceof Boolean) {
                    disabled = (boolean) disableValue;
                } else if (disableValue instanceof String) {
                    disabled = Boolean.parseBoolean((String) disableValue);

    // Relation is disabled"'Compile identity-relation state' script - relation is disabled (on system [{0}])", system.getCode()));

for(String excludeState:excludeStates){
    if (excludeState.equals(stateValue)) {
        // Relation is excluded

// Relation is maybe active (depends on validity relation attributes too).
return null;


Synchronization of contracts supports only correlation by simple text attributes. That means, if you already have some existing contracts and you want to pair them with accounts on some new source system, you have to use some e xtended attribute of contracts which will contain the identifier usable for correlation. Specifically, the attribute mapped to the entity attribute Owner (identity) , can't be used as a correlation attribute, otherwise the result of the synchronization would be an Unknown state and the following exception:

eu.bcvsolutions.idm.core.api.exception.CorrelationPropertyUnsupportedTypeException: Entity type [eu.bcvsolutions.idm.core.model.entity.IdmIdentityContract] and property [identity] has wrong type. Only String or UUID is supported now.

If you synchronize only new contracts from a source system, use simply the identifier as a correlation attribute and don't map the identifier to anything.
