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Extended attributes - managing EAVs and forms

Attributes forms

The form management can be found in Settings → Form definitions, where forms can be managed. There can be more forms for one entity, and thus the attributes can be logically divided according to them.

 forms list

The form is identified by its name, which must be unique to each entity.

Currently, CzechIdM automatically creates default forms named “default” for all entities.
At this moment, these forms are the only ones which are available from the CzechIdM graphical interface when editing entity (e.g. Role). The forms marked as “default” carry EAV attributes, which can be provisioned into the administered system.

The editing of the form is done by clicking on the detail of the given form – magnifying glass symbol next to the type. Or add a new form using the green button Add. EAV can have the following options:

 Form detail

Creating a new EAV for a form

Extended attributes can be found in Settings → Form definitions → Form detail → Form attributes. A new attribute can be defined by clicking on Add button.

 Attributes list

An attribute has the following options:

A system attribute cannot be deleted. Some of its items cannot be edited, either.

Filling EAV value

When a form and its attributes are defined, they are available in the detail of the entity in the tab “More information”.  User extended attributes

Currently only main/default forms are available in entities detail

Video Guide

How to add EAV - czech language