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Modules - reg: How to register to CzechIdM?

There is a registration link on the login dialogue page, which you can use to access the registration page.

New user fills following fields:

When the form is filled, we pass the captcha (if ON) and continue with following steps: :

  1. the new user gets the email with URL link to CzechIdM.
  2. After he clicks on the link, the email address is validated.
  3. Then the registration process makes an user task on responsible person. This step can be skipped if configured in application settings.
  4. When the task is resolved, the newly registered user gets the email with the login, which he can use to access CzechIdM. If the CzechIdM is configured to authenticate against other system, the user has to have account on the system too, of course. If so, think about using automatic roles.

Registration process background

After the registration form is filled, following steps are done in the application.

  1. In CzechIdM, there is a new identity created and set as inactive. It has no roles and contracted positions. Login is generated if not set by the user.
  2. A new contracted position is created for the identity. The contracted position is placed in the organization tree. To be able to place the contracted position into organization tree, one has to set application setting option: idm.sec.reg.defaultOrgId. More about reg setting options in following sections.
    1. User gets automatic roles, when he is placed in the organization tree.
    2. The contracted position gets manager user by the application settings option idm.sec.reg.defaultAuthorizer.
  3. Email is sent to address that the user previously filled in the registration form. In the email, there is a link. When the user uses the link, he is forwarded to CzechIdM login page and the registration is confirmed. The registration link in the email has time limited validity.
  4. User task is generated for the users with role registrationalApproval. Caution, if this step is allowed in configuration and no one has the role assigned, then the registration process always fails. Turn on this step only if the at least one user has the role assigned or assign the role to the admin user as a fallback.
  5. When the task is resolved, identity is enabled (unblocked) and it gets the role defined in registration module configuration. Do not confuse those roles with automatic roles.
  6. All users with registrationNotification role assigned are notified about a new user creation.

Reg module configuration

Steps 1-6 or their parts can be disabled by the following processors: request-confirm-processor, request-approve-processor, identity-finalize-processor, user-notification-processor, notification-processor, request-delete-processor.