Table of Contents

Modules - SCIM: module installation


We are using a third party library scim2-sdk-common under LGPLv2 license. This library contains very useful DTOs (scim standard resources) and filter parser. Rest endpoints are exposed by our devstack.

Module can be installed both ways:


This way is mainly for a developer when CzechIdM is opened in your favorite IDE. You can add maven dependency into idm-app pom.xml (or into other project-specific (and used) module pom.xml):


Third-party dependencies will be included automatically.

Note: the module has to be built locally - available in gitlab or access to our nexus has to be granted and repository included in the same pom.xml:

  <name>Nexus private modules</name>

Standalone module

Module artefact (idm-scim-api, idm-scim-impl) can be downloaded from nexus releases and copied into installed CzechIdM server libraries <server>/WEB-INF/lib.

Third party library scim2-sdk-common in version 2.1.3 has to be copied into CzechIdM server libraries <server>/WEB-INF/lib too. Library can be built from github or downloaded from a public maven repository (e.g.

After module is installed, run the CzechIdm and enable module by GUI (Setting → Modules) or by application properties:

# enable scim module by default