Log in to CzechIdM as a user with the permission to administer users. Go to users’ agenda and
click on Create user.
The form for creating a new user will appear, where the basic information about the user can be filled in. The required attributes are username, surname and password.
The following user attributes can be filled in:
The creation of a user is confirmed by clicking on Create. Managing the user’s information such as the job position or permissions can be done only after creating the user. By clicking the button back, the form is closed without saving. By clicking the arrow next to the button Create, a drop-down menu Create and edit will appear, which allows finishing the creation of the identity immediately and continue editing other user’s attributes such as, relations, roles, etc.
The whole concept of account management and role management is based around identity's contract. Identity can have contract created automatically or manually
How to create new identity and assign role - Czech language