Table of Contents

Role - Creating/editing

To create a new role, go to Role agenda and Role management tab, then click Add. A unique name for the role must be chosen within all the roles. The role can also be placed in one or more folders in the catalogue of roles.

 Role list agenda

A guarantee can be set for every role. Other processes can be related to the guarantee such as approval of assigning a role, change in time validity and its removal from user. See more in the section about role approval.

 New role

The following attributes can be set with every role:

Role authorizer type: Selection is possible from the code list, which must be predefined in the agenda Code lists. This codebook must have the code guarantee-type. For the authorizer type to be visible, at least one value must be defined in the codebook.
Role authorizer type: If you need to find guarantors for a given role, but only for a given type, you can use the IdmIdentityFilter.setGuaranteeType("type") filter. Filtering by guarantor type will only work if the filter contains the required role IdmIdentityFilter.setGuaranteesForRole(roleId).

After all the requested selections have been entered, click on Save and continue. This will bring you straight to the menu Roles → Role detail, specifically to the detail of the newly created role.

Role configuration

Video Guide

How to create role - Czech language