Table of Contents

Release a hotfix

In this tutorial we will describe how to release a hotfix.

01 - Prerequisites

 # clone respository
 $ git clone
 # change folder
 $ cd CzechIdMng
 # checkouthotfix
 $ git checkout hotfix/<HOTFIX_VERSION>

Hotfix branch not exists

If branch with hotfix doesn't exists, you can easily create this branch with this command (you must be on branch master and locally or remote must not exist branch with name hotfix…):

 $ cd Realization/backend/aggregator/
 $ mvn clean -Prelease jgitflow:hotfix-start
 $ git push -u origin hotfix/<HOTFIX_VERSION>:hotfix/<HOTFIX_VERSION>

This commands creates new hotfix started from master branch. Sometimes is needed to fix previously released version. For this case, we can find last commit id (= last commit in tag) and start hotfix with command:

 $ mvn clean -Prelease jgitflow:hotfix-start -DstartCommit=<CHANGE_WITH_COMMIT_ID> -DreleaseVersion=<CHANGE_WITH_CURRENT_HOTFIX_VERSION_WITHOUT_SNAPSHOT_SUFFIX>

Manually clean/fetch local branches

Execute this three commands in CzechIdm folder.

 $ git fetch -p
 $ git branch -vv
 $ git fetch -p && for branch in `git branch -vv | grep ': gone]' | awk '{print $1}'`; do git branch -D $branch; done

This command create new branch and set up new version in BE poms. FE package.json you must update by self.

02 - Maven settings

After install maven is necessary setup maven via settings.xml, this file you can found in ~/.m2./. If this file don't exists create it. Into file you must put this settings (change username and password yours!):

    <!-- Nexus server login information -->

03 - Update FE package.json with actual version

04 - Release via aggregator

Follow the following commands:

 # in your local clone of repository go to 
 $ cd CzechIdMng/Realization/backend/aggregator
 # start with release hotfix
 $ mvn clean -Prelease jgitflow:hotfix-finish -DupdateDependencies=false -DdocumentationOnly=true -DallowUntracked=true -DdevelopmentVersion=<CHANGE_WITH_CURRENT_DEVELOPMENT_BRANCH>
If you have access to GitHub via username and password (not ssh key), you will be ask for this information during the release

If you get during process this error: The authenticity of host '' can't be established. add into parameters this:

 $ mvn ... -DenableSshAgent=true

If you have untracked files which will definitely not cause GIT conflicts, add the following parameter:

 $ mvn ... -DallowUntracked=true
 $ git push
 $ git push --tags
If hotfix is started from master branch, don't forget to merge your branch (= latest release) into master.
If hotfix is not started from master branch, then after finish with hotfix, merge hotfix branch in develop only, not to master. Sometimes is development version to different and automatic merge fails anyway. If old version is hotfixed, then most probably hotfix-finish command fails, after artifacts are deployed to nexus and when master branch is updated - this is ok - we don't want to merge "old" version into master. Just ignore changes on master branch, create tag on hotfix branch manually (e.g. directly from github) a merge hotfix branch into develop manually. After merge, you can delete hotfix branch.
After success release don't forget to delete hotfix branch.