Table of Contents

Module - creating a new icon

In this tutorial we will describe how to create, register and use a new icon in our module.

What do you need before you start

Source codes for this tutorial can be found in the example module

01 Create a icon component

We will use AbstractIcon component as superclass for creating custom icon (prepared in core advanced component library) - contains some default method implementations (common icon features as style, color … boiler plate).

import React from 'react';
import { faBookmark, faKey } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome';
import { Advanced } from 'czechidm-core';
 * Role icon - override role icon in ecxample module.
 * @author Radek Tomiška
 * @since 9.4.0
export default class ExampleRoleIcon extends Advanced.AbstractIcon {
  constructor(props) {
  renderIcon() {
    return (
      <span className="fa-layers fa-fw">
        <FontAwesomeIcon icon={ faBookmark } />
        <FontAwesomeIcon icon={ faKey } transform="shrink-7 up-2" style={{ color: '#fff' }}/>

We are using font awesome icon library for icon implementation, which is already configured in core.

Icon can be combined using layers.

02 Register icon component

Component is created, now we need to register her in component descriptor for start using her in application. New icon will be available for the entity type (~name) my-roles.

Add component into module's component-descriptor.js:

module.exports = {
  'components': [
      'id': 'custom-roles-icon',
      'type': 'icon',
      'entityType': [ 'my-roles'],
      'component': require('./src/components/ExampleRoleIcon')

my-roles works as name for this icon.

03 Use icon

Icon can be used the same way as standard icon - the only difference is usage component as icon type:

<Basic.Icon value="component:my-roles"/>


We can override existing icon defined in core module.

It's just about editing module's component.xml descriptor:

module.exports = {
  'components': [
      'id': 'custom-roles-icon',
      'type': 'icon',
      'entityType': [ 'my-roles', 'roles'],
      'component': require('./src/components/ExampleRoleIcon'),
      'priority': 1

We used previously created custom icon and define to use her for the roles entity types. We need to define higher priority (e.g. 1) for this component, than is in core (core components have always zero priority).