Table of Contents

Synchronizace organizace


CREATE TABLE public.organizations
  id character varying(255),
  code character varying(255),
  name character varying(255),
  parent character varying(255)
ALTER TABLE public.organizations
  OWNER TO idmadmin;
  INSERT INTO public.organizations(
            id, code, name, parent)
    VALUES ('11', 'rt', 'root', null);

INSERT INTO public.organizations(
            id, code, name, parent)
    VALUES ('22', 'org1', 'organization1', '11');

Postup testu

^ Atribut              ^ Hodnota  ^
| Host                 | localhost                                  |
| Port                 | 5432                                       |
| User                 | idmadmin                                   |
| User Password        | idmadmin                                   |
| Database             | jdbcTest                                   |
| Table                | organizations                              |
| Key Column           | id                                         |
| JDBC Driver          | org.postgresql.Driver                      |
| JDBC Connection URL  | jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/jdbcTest  |
Synchronizace, sync_tree, __ACCOUNT__, Strom, Organization structure
^ Atribut ve schéma  ^ Název  ^ Je identifikátorem ^ Atribut entity ^ Rozšířený atribut ^ Položka entity ^ IdM Klíč   ^
| code               | code   | false              | true           | false             | Kód (String)   |            |
| id                 | id     | true               | false          | true              |                | externalId |
| name               | name   | false              | true           | false             | Název (String) |            |
| parent             | parent | false              | true           | false             | Rodič (String) |            |
Povolena: enable
Název: sync-tree
Sada mapovaných atributů: sync_tree
Korelační atribut: code

Kritérium úspěšnosti