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devel:documentation:application_configuration:dev:backend [2018/05/28 11:22]
tomiskar [Jpa]
devel:documentation:application_configuration:dev:backend [2019/06/11 06:57]
tomiskar [Configure environment properties]
Line 1: Line 1:
 +===== Configuration - backend =====
 +{{tag> configuration}}
 +The application uses a Spring boot configuration in the ''application.properties'' files. All the configuration items which are used solely for idm begin with ''idm.'' prefix. The configuration items from the file can be overloaded through a setting agenda in the gui => a server restart isn't needed for changing the configuration with ''idm.'' prefix, which was one of the main goals. The configuration is saved in the database. Use ''ConfigurationService'' for reading and saving configuration items.
 +Naming conventions of the configuration items in idm:
 +  * ''idm.'' - configuration items for the needs of idm
 +  * ''idm.pub.'' - public configuration items - published on a public rest endpoint (e.g. version)
 +  * ''idm.sec.'' - system configuration items - published on a secure rest endpoint and available for configuration by the application administrator. They are used for backend configuration. If configuration item is confidential, then value is stored in [[..:..:security:dev:confidential-storage|confidential storage]] and value is not send to frontend, application logs etc. Items with key ''password'', ''token'', ''secret'' are automatically set as confidential - use it for configuration items defined in property file only.
 +  * ''idm.sec.<module>.'' or ''idm.pub.<module>.'' - configuration items of the given module. Use ''ModuleDescriptor#getId()'' as ''<module>''
 +  * if the name of a configuration item contains the''password'' or ''token'' chain, the value of the configuration item is hidden in the rest interface listing (or rather replaced with substitute characters).
 +  * It is better to use constants for keys, e.g. ''ConfigurationService.IDM\_PUBLIC\_PROPERTY\_PREFIX + "core.identity.delete"'' - using seperator constant in key name suffix is not preferred - constant can be simply found by key suffix ("ctrl-f" + "core.identity.delete"). 
 +Cache is used for reading configuration values - default spring boot cache (ConcurrentHashMap) is configured for now. Value in cache is cleared by an active (save, delete) operation.
 +<note tip>
 +If you are debugging some of code and are you figuring, something is wrong with the cache, then you can turn the cache off with property (in application.properties)
 +<code properties>
 +==== Configure environment properties ====
 +=== Application profiles ===
 +We are using Spring profiles: [[https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/howto-properties-and-configuration.html|Doc]].
 +Start server under defined profile ([[https://proj.bcvsolutions.eu/ngidm/doku.php?id=help:czechidm_server_install_guide#vyber_profilu_aplikace|add JAVA_OPTS parameters]]):
 +== Configured devstack profiles ==
 +  * ''default'' - the default profile - configured to db h2. If a developer downloads the project from Git, the application will run without any other configuration over h2 database with demo data (by admin user ...). Default profile is used for issuing a demo.
 +  * ''dev'' - developing profile configured to postgresql. In the future, we can move the configuration itself to special profiles - their combinations (e.g. test+ postgresql or dev + mysql). We will be able to cover more variants of environment versus database.
 +  * ''test'' - test profile - configured to db h2 and **it's used for unit and intergration testing only**. Don't use this profile for test environment - create your own profiles (testing / production).
 +  * ''release'' - release profile - all modules in CzechIdM repository are included, they are released together under one version. 
 +=== External configuration ===
 +External configuration uses Spring: [[https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/boot-features-external-config.html|Doc]].
 +Start server with external path to configuration ([[https://proj.bcvsolutions.eu/ngidm/doku.php?id=help:czechidm_server_install_guide#vyber_profilu_aplikace|add JAVA_OPTS parameters]]):
 +=== Environment properties ===
 +<note important>To prevent application startup fails due to Flyway error, property ''-Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true'' has to be added into environment properties. If property is not set, then application can fail on error:
 +<code>Error creating bean with name 'flywayCore' defined in class path resource [eu/bcvsolutions/idm/core/config/flyway/CoreFlywayConfig.class]: 
 +Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!</code>
 +[[https://proj.bcvsolutions.eu/ngidm/doku.php?id=help:czechidm_server_install_guide#vyber_profilu_aplikace|Add JAVA_OPTS parameters]]:
 +===== Configuration items =====
 +==== Application/ Server ===
 +In the application profile (application.properties) and overloadable via ConfigurationService. 
 +<code properties>
 +# Application stage (development, test, production (default))
 +# Public properties - available for frontend without authentication (show information about app, decorators etc.).
 +# Application stage - development, test, production
 +# Application instance / server id - is used for scheduler etc.
 +# Should be defined in property file only
 +# global date format on BE. Used in notification templates, logs, etc. FE uses localization key 'core:format.date'.
 +# global datetime format on BE. Used in notification templates, logs, etc. FE uses localization key 'core:format.datetime'.
 +idm.pub.app.format.datetime=dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm
 +# Show identifiers (uuid) in frontend application. Empty value by default => identifier is shown, when application 'idm.pub.app.stage' is set to 'development'.
 +# Show transaction identifiers (uuid) in frontend application 
 +# Private properties - used on backend only.
 +# create demo data at application start
 +# demo data was created - prevent to create demo data duplicitly
 +# Enable forest index for tree structures
 +==== Jpa ===
 +In the application profile (application.properties)
 +<code properties>
 +# audit table suffix
 +# modified flag for all audited columns
 +# prevent to modify attributes created, creator etc.
 +# enable / disable audit (envers)
 +# DB ddl auto generation by hibernate is disabled - flyway database migration is used
 +# DATASOURCE (DataSourceAutoConfiguration & DataSourceProperties)
 +# test connection, when is used from pool (reconnect after db is restarted)
 +spring.datasource.validationQuery=SELECT 1
 +=== JNDI datasource ===
 +Firstly is needed to configure JNDI resource in the J2EE server. Here is a configuration snippet for Tomcat. It assumes PostgreSQL as the database:
 +<code xml>
 +<Context antiJARLocking="true" path="/idm">
 + <Resource 
 +     name="PostgresDS" 
 +     auth="Container" 
 +     type="javax.sql.DataSource" 
 +     username="*****" 
 +     password="*****"
 +     driverClassName="org.postgresql.Driver"
 +     url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/bcv_idm_storage"
 +     maxActive="8"
 +            maxIdle="4"/>
 +In the application profile (application.properties), update datasource properties:
 +<code properties>
 +# JNDI location of the datasource. Class, url, username & password are ignored when set.
 +In **logback-spring.xml** configuration (by profile, if db appender is used), update datasource properties:
 +<code xml>
 +<springProperty name="spring.datasource.jndi-name" source="spring.datasource.jndi-name"/>
 +<appender name="DB" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.db.DBAppender">
 + <connectionSource class="ch.qos.logback.core.db.JNDIConnectionSource">
 + <!-- please note the "java:comp/env/" prefix -->
 + <jndiLocation>java:comp/env/${spring.datasource.jndi-name}</jndiLocation>
 + </connectionSource>
 +=== Using SSL ===
 +  - Configure PostgreSQL server, documentation: https://jdbc.postgresql.org/documentation/head/ssl.html#ssl-server
 +  - Short example: https://www.howtoforge.com/postgresql-ssl-certificates
 +  - Create new truststore specifically for the CzechIdM. When starting your Java application you must specify this keystore and password to use ''-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=path/to/mystore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=mypassword''. For testing purposes, it is possible to set truststore password to ''changeit'' which is the Java default - you then have to specify only path to the truststore.
 +<note important>It is technically possible to import certificate into the (systemwide) Java ''cacerts'' truststore, but this poses significant risk.
 +While updating custom java deployment:
 +  * Not being a "visible" part of IdM deployment, one can easily omit migrating certificates into the new Java ''cacerts'' truststore. In this case, IdM will not be able to connect anywhere where the SSL connection is used.
 +While updating Java OS packages:
 +  * Nowadays, most Linux distros offering packages with OpenJDK, OracleJDK, ... use "extracted" truststore, which is basically ''cacerts'' truststore located somewhere under ''/etc/ssl/...'' and available to every Java distribution on the system. This truststore is constructed by an utility ''update-ca-trust'' from a list of CA certificates located elsewhere on the filesystem. When updating packages with JDK, ca-certs and such, the ''update-ca-trust'' can be invoked, effectively rewriting the extracted truststore. In this case, any changes made only to the truststore will be lost.
 +In the application profile (application.properties)
 +Update datasource properties:
 +<code properties>
 +# add ssl usage flag, see https://jdbc.postgresql.org/documentation/head/connect.html
 +==== Attachment storage ===
 +''DefaultAttachmentManager'' stores binary files on file system. Binary files can be attached to any entity, which implements ''AttachableEntity'' interface, [[..:..:modules_rpt:dev:attachment_manager| read more]].
 +In the application profile (application.properties) and overloadable via ''ConfigurationService''
 +<code properties>
 +## Attachment manager
 +# attachments will be stored under this path.
 +# new directories for attachment will be created in this folder (permissions has to be added)
 +# System.getProperty("user.home")/idm_data will be used if no path is given
 +# idm.sec.core.attachment.storagePath=/opt/data
 +# temporary files for attachment processing (e.g. temp files for download / upload)
 +# getStoragePath()/temp will be used if no path is given
 +# idm.sec.core.attachment.tempPath=/opt/data/temp
 +# temporary file time to live in milliseconds
 +# older temporary files will be purged, default 14 days
 +# Max file size of uploaded file. Values can use the suffixed "MB" or "KB" to indicate a Megabyte or Kilobyte size.
 +In the application profile (application.properties).
 +<code properties>
 +# Max file size of uploaded file. Values can use the suffixed "MB" or "KB" to indicate a Megabyte or Kilobyte size.
 +==== Activiti workflow ===
 +<code properties>
 +# String boot properties for Activiti workflow engine
 +# https://github.com/Activiti/Activiti/blob/master/modules/activiti-spring-boot/spring-boot-starters/activiti-spring-boot-starter-basic/src/main/java/org/activiti/spring/boot/ActivitiProperties.java
 +# let activiti to manage their schema
 +# disable automatic jpa entities persisting - dto usage is prefered
 +# Automatic process deployment
 +# path to automatically deployed definitions - should be the same in all modules
 +# more locations can be given e.g. classpath*:eu/bcvsolutions/idm/workflow/,classpath:external/config/wf
 +# resources in the latest location has the highest priority (last wins) - workflow definitions are prioritized by file name, don't change definition's file name, when you want to override some core workflow definition.
 +# put resource, which has to override some core resource to last location
 +# definitions name pattern - subfolders can be used
 +==== Security ====
 +In the application profile (application.properties) and overloadable via ConfigurationService.
 +<code properties>
 +# allowed origins for FE
 +# the first value is used as frontend url to notification templates
 +# auth token
 +# - expiration in milis
 +# - secret jwt password
 +# - extend JWT token expiration period on each successful request
 +# recaptcha
 +# - recaptchaservice endpoint 
 +# - secret key, can be generated here https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin
 +# - test secret key: https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/faq#id-like-to-run-automated-tests-with-recaptcha-v2-what-should-i-do
 +Allowed-origins defines, which resources can use backend API methods. e.g. When there is a web server serving as reverse proxy on the same server as BE, the http://localhost:3000 may be the right value.  
 +==== Flyway ====
 +In the application profile (application.properties)
 +<code properties>
 +# Enable flyway migrations. 
 +# @see https://proj.bcvsolutions.eu/ngidm/doku.php?id=navrh:databazove_scripty
 +Module configuration (flyway-core.properties)
 +<code properties>
 +## Core Flyway configuration
 +# Whether to automatically call baseline when migrate is executed against a non-empty schema with no metadata table. 
 +# This schema will then be baselined with the baselineVersion before executing the migrations. 
 +# Only migrations above baselineVersion will then be applied.
 +# This is useful for initial Flyway production deployments on projects with an existing DB.
 +# Be careful when enabling this as it removes the safety net that ensures Flyway does not migrate the wrong database in case of a configuration mistake!
 +# The name of Flyway's metadata table (default **schema_version**).
 +# By default (single-schema mode) the metadata table is placed in the default schema for the connection provided by the datasource.
 +# Comma-separated list of locations to scan recursively for migrations. The location type is determined by its prefix.
 +# Unprefixed locations or locations starting with classpath: point to a package on the classpath and may contain both sql and java-based migrations.
 +# Locations starting with filesystem: point to a directory on the filesystem and may only contain sql migrations. 
 +# IdmFlywayMigrationStrategy resolves used jdbc database dynamically - ${dbName} in location could be used.
 +==== Module configuration ====
 +Information about module can be defined in property file (module-<module>.properties - e.g. module-core.properties). This property file is loaded by ''PropertyModuleDescriptor''. Module properties are not editable through ''ConfigurationService'' (''idm.pub.'' prefix is not used).
 +<code properties>
 +# mapping pom.xml properties by default
 +# add custom properties if needed
 +# module version
 +# build number
 +# module vendor
 +# module description
 +==== Swagger ====
 +In the application profile (application.properties)
 +<code properties>
 +## Swagger config
 +# enable swagger endpoint (can be disabled for development etc.)
 +# endpoint with exposed documentations. Documentations are exposed by module e.g. <server>/api/doc?group=core
 +# for static documentation generation puprose => internal usage mainly in test stage. Swagger specification on then rest endpoint is exported to given file e.g. <module>/target/swagger/swagger.json. Properties with @ are automatically filled from pom.xml properties.
 +# output directory and filename for swagger export - other build parts are dependent on this.
 +==== Emailer ====
 +In the application profile (''application.properties'') - overloadable via ''ConfigurationService''.
 +<code properties>
 +# enable test mode - in this mode, emails are not send
 + # http://camel.apache.org/mail.html
 +# The FROM email address.
 +==== Templates ====
 +In the application profile (application.properties) - overloadable via ConfigurationService.
 +<code properties>
 +# Templates location
 +# more locations can be given e.g. classpath*:/eu/bcvsolutions/idm/template/,classpath*:/external/templates/
 +# resources in the latest location has the highest priority (last wins). Resources are prioritized - put resource, which has to override some core resource to last location
 +# Locations can be configured https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/core.html#resources
 +idm.sec.core.notification.template.fileSuffix=**/**.xml # template suffix
 +==== Scripts ====
 +In the application profile (application.properties) - overloadable via ConfigurationService.
 +<code properties>
 +# Scripts location
 +# more locations can be given e.g. classpath*:/eu/bcvsolutions/idm/scripts/,classpath*:/external/scripts/
 +# resources in the latest location has the highest priority (last wins). Resources are prioritized - put resource, which has to override some core resource to last location
 +# Locations can be configured https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/core.html#resources
 +==== Scheduler ====
 +In the application profile (application.properties).
 +<code properties>
 +# Enable scheduler. Enabled by default
 +# Task queue processing period (ms). Default 1000ms.
 +# Application settings for QUARTZ (for current mvn profile)
 +# Task executor core pool size. Uses CPU count as default.
 +# Task executor max pool size. Uses CPU corePoolSize * 2 as default. 
 +# maxPoolSize has to be higher than corePoolSize (IllegalArgumentException is thrown otherwise).
 +# When queueCapacity is full, then new threads are created from corePoolSize to maxPoolSize.
 +# Waiting tasks to be processed. Uses {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE} as default. {@link LinkedBlockingQueue} is used for queue => capacity is initialized dynamically.
 +# {@link AbotrPolicy} is set for rejected tasks.
 +# Thread priority for threads in event executor pool - 5 by default (normal).
 +# Event queue processing period (ms). Period to read prepared (~created) asynchronous entity events from queue. 
 +# Events are processed in batch configured by property 'idm.sec.core.event.asynchronous.batchSize'. If you events are processed quickly (~provisioning on your environment is quick), then batch size can be higher or this property can be lower.
 +# Default 500ms.
 +# Event executor core pool size. Uses CPU count + 1 as default.
 +# Event executor max pool size. Uses CPU corePoolSize * 2 as default. 
 +# maxPoolSize has to be higher than corePoolSize (IllegalArgumentException is thrown otherwise).
 +# When queueCapacity is full, then new threads are created from corePoolSize to maxPoolSize.
 +# Waiting events to be processed. Uses 50 as default - prevent to prepare events repetitively and use additional threads till maxPoolSize. {@link LinkedBlockingQueue} is used for queue => capacity is initialized dynamically.
 +# {@link AbotrPolicy} is set for rejected tasks.
 +# Thread priority for threads in event executor pool - 6 by default (a little higher priority than normal 5).
 +==== Identity ====
 +In the application profile (''application.properties'') - overloadable via ''ConfigurationService''.
 +<code properties>
 +# supports delete identity. Needed on FE (=> public) to render available bulk action in table 
 +# default password change type for custom users, one of values: 
 +# DISABLED - password change is disable
 +# ALL_ONLY - users can change passwords only for all accounts
 +# CUSTOM - users can choose for which accounts change password
 +# Needed on FE (=> public) 
 +# required old password for change password.
 +# Needed on FE (=> public) 
 +# change password to idm from public pages.
 +# true - change to IdM and all system
 +# false - change to all system except IdM
 +# Needed on FE (=> public) 
 +# create default identity's contract, when identity is created.
 +# skipped in synchronizations - contract synchronization should be provided.
 +# Skip identity dashboard content - show full detail directly (link from table or from info component)
 +# Needed on FE (=> public) 
 +# supports authorization policies for extended form definitions and their values for identities
 +# Default is false (backward compatibility) - all form definitions and attributes will be shown (controlled by permissions for identity - IDENTITY_READ / IDENTITY_UPDATE).
 +# true - authorization policies will be evaluated (see https://wiki.czechidm.com/devel/documentation/security/dev/authorization#secure_identity_form_extended_attribute_values) for form definitions (FORMDEFINITION_AUTOCOMPLETE is needed to show form definition) and for form values (FORMVALUE_UPDATE) 
 +==== Identity contract slice ====
 +In the application profile (''application.properties'') - overloadable via ''ConfigurationService''.
 +<code properties>
 +# The protected interval can be set using the property idm.sec.core.contract-slice.protection-interval, where the value is the number of days.
 +# If the number of days between the termination of the contract and its renewal in the following time slice is less than or equal to the number
 +# of days set in the protection interval, then the date of the contract validity from the following slice will be used instead of the date of 
 +# termination of the contract from the currently valid slice.
 +==== Role ====
 +In the application profile (''application.properties'') - overloadable via ''ConfigurationService''.
 +<code properties>
 +# Default user role will be added automatically, after an identity is logged in
 +# could contains default authorities and authority policies configuration
 +# for adding autocomplete or all record read permission etc.
 +# Admin user role
 +# Separator for the suffix with environment used in role code.
 +# Look out: when separator is changed, then all roles should be updated (manually from ui, by scripted LRT or by change script).
 +==== Tree ====
 +Tree structures configuration properties.
 +In the application profile (''application.properties'') - overloadable via ''ConfigurationService''.
 +<code properties>
 +# Default tree type (uuid or code). More in Default organizational structure doc.
 +# Default tree node (uuid) - is used, when default contract is created. More in Contractual relationship doc.
 +Internal properties used for tree indexing (forest index) - holds index state:
 +<code properties>
 +# forest index is valid. Is set to false, when index exception occurs and tree index has to be rebuild 
 +# rebuild index in progress (true). When tree type index rebuild is in progress, then tree node cannot be created / updated / deleted.
 +==== Entity events ====
 +In the application profile (''application.properties'') - overloadable via ''ConfigurationService''.
 +<code properties>
 +# disable / enable asynchronous event processing. Events will be executed synchronously, if it's disabled. Enabled by default.
 +# Asynchronous events will be executed on server instance with id. Default is the same as {@link ConfigurationService#getInstanceId()} (current server instance).
 +# Asynchronous events will be executed in batch - batch will be split for event with HIGH / NORMAL priority in 70% HIGH / 30% NORMAL.
 +# If you events are processed quickly (~provisioning on your environment is quick), then batch size can be higher (in combination with higher 'scheduler.event.queue.process' property).
 +=== Entity event processors ===
 +In the application profile (''application.properties'') - overloadable via ''ConfigurationService''.
 +Every processor could have his own configuration properties under prefix: 
 +<code properties>
 +# disable / enable event procesor
 +# override event types for given processor
 +Where ''<module>'' is processor's module a ''<name>'' is processor's name (see overridable processor's methods). Filled configuration properties will be shown on [[..:..:architecture:dev:events#implemented_processors|processor's content]].
 +Common configuration properties for all processors:
 +  * ''enabled'' - on / off
 +  * ''eventTypes'' - list of event types (separated by comma) to which given processor reacts
 +  * ''order'' - comming soon
 +Exists processors configuration: [[..:..:architecture:dev:events#implemented_processors|implemented proccessors]].
 +==== Workflow settings for approval of change user roles =====
 +<code properties>
 +## WF
 +# Approve by manager
 +# Approve by security department
 +# Approve by helpdesk department
 +# Approve by usermanager department
 +# Approve a role incompatibilities - If some incompatibilities are found in request, then this approving will be executed.
 +# Approval wf by role priority
 +# Approval wf for unassign role (one remove WF for whole application)
 +# Approve a change on the role - Is uses in the request of changing a role.
 +# In the request to create new role is also used.
 +# Default main WF for approve all roles.
 +==== Notification from Workflow =====
 +<code properties>
 +## Global property that allow disable or enable sending notification from WF
 +## Enable sending notification of changing roles to user, whose account will be modified
 +## Enable sending notification of changing roles to user, who made request
 +==== Confidential storage ====
 +Properties **is not** overloadable via ''ConfigurationService''. For more info [[..:..:security:dev:confidential-storage|see]]
 +<code properties>
 +# Cipher secret key for crypt values in confidential storage
 +# for crypt values is used secretKey - secret.key
 +# Can be empty => confidential storage will not be crypted, application cannot be used in production (dev, test only).
 +# or secretKey defined in the external file - secret.keyPath
 +# cipher.crypt.secret.keyPath=/path/to/key
 +==== Entity filters ====
 +In the application profile (''application.properties'') - overloadable via ''ConfigurationService''.
 +Every filter could have his own configuration properties under prefix: 
 +<code properties>
 +# enable/ disable filter - enabled by default. When filter is disabled and property is filled in filter, then ''disjunction'' criteria is added => no data will be returned
 +# filter implementation
 +  * ''<module>'' is filter's module - overriden module has to be used (e.g. default filter is in core module, then ''core'' module identifier has to be used)
 +  * ''<entity>'' is entity class simple name - filter will be applied to this domain type (e.g. ''IdmIdentity'')
 +  * ''<name>'' the name of the property name during which the filter is actively evaluated, if it is stated in the filtering criteria (=> ''get'' parameter)
 +  * ''<beanName>'' is filter's bean name - see [[..:..:architecture:dev:filters#implemented_filters|implemented filters]]
 +Common configuration properties for all filters:
 +  * ''enabled'' - on / off
 +  * ''impl'' - contains implementation (Spring bean name) of given filter. When property of given ''<name>'' will be set for filter, then this implementation will be used for filtering. New module could register new filter for defined entity and name - by this configuration one of provided implementation will be selected and used.
 +Exists filters configuration: [[..:..:architecture:dev:filters#implemented_filters|implemented filters]].
 +==== Notification senders ====
 +In the application profile (''application.properties'') - overloadable via ''ConfigurationService''.
 +Senders could have his own configuration properties under prefix: 
 +<code properties>
 +# sender implementation
 +  * ''<module>'' is senders's module - overriden module has to be used (e.g. default sender is in core module, then ''core'' module identifier has to be used)
 +  * ''<notificationType>'' is notification type, which has to be supported by configured sender by ''<<beanName>>''
 +Common configuration properties for all senders:
 +  * ''impl'' - contains implementation (Spring bean name) of given sender. This sender implementation will be used for sending notifications with ''<notificationType>''. New module could register new sender implementation for notification types (even new notification type can be created) - by this configuration one of provided implementation will be selected and used.
 +Read more about [[..:..:notifications:dev:notification_manager|notification manager]].
 +==== Authentication ====
 +UUID of system, against which to user will be authenticated.
 +<code properties>
 +# ID system against which to authenticate
 +=== Authentication filters ===
 +In the application profile (''application.properties'') - overloadable via ''ConfigurationService''.
 +Authentication filter could have his own configuration properties under prefix: 
 +<code properties>
 +# enable/ disable filter - enabled by default or by filter implementation.
 +  * ''<module>'' is filter's module - overriden module has to be used (e.g. default filter is in core module, then ''core'' module identifier has to be used)
 +  * ''<name>'' is filter's name - see overridable filter's ''#getName()'' method. Filter name could be the same as bean name in context.
 +Common configuration properties for all filters:
 +  * ''enabled'' - on / off
 +=== SSO authentication filter ===
 +[[..:..:security:dev:security#sso|Single-Sign-On mechanism]] can be configured with following properties:
 +<code properties>
 +# Allow SSO authentication
 +# The name of the header which contains the login of the authenticated user
 +# The suffixes to remove from the login - usually domains
 +# The uids that can't be authenticated by SSO
 +==== Backup ====
 +If you want to use redeploy and backup for example in agenda (notification template), you must define default backup folder see:
 +<code properties>
 +# configuration property for default backup 
 +==== Http proxy ====
 +For outgoing http communication, you can set a proxy (currently used only by ReCaptcha). 
 +**Server restart** is needed to apply this configuration change.
 +<code properties>
 +# Proxy for HTTP requests
 +==== CGLIB ====
 +CGLIB for creating proxies has to be enforced. Is possible to use annotations on methods, which is not defined in service interface. Prevent to use some logic in service constructors (will be called twice) and always define annotations in implementation class, [[https://www.credera.com/blog/technology-insights/open-source-technology-insights/aspect-oriented-programming-in-spring-boot-part-2-spring-jdk-proxies-vs-cglib-vs-aspectj/|read more]].
 +<code properties>
 +# use cglib for proxies by default
 +==== Virtual system ====
 +VS configurations allows define implementers via assigned IdM role or directly by selected identities. If you do not define none directly implementers and none role in VS configuration, then will be used implementers from default role.
 +Default role can be defined in configuration:
 +<code properties>
 +# If you do not define default role, then will be used **superAdminRole** as default!
 +==== Provisioning ====
 +<code properties>
 +# It's possible to send additional attributes, when password is changed (mapped attributes with flag sendOnPasswordChange)
 +# - true: additional password attributes will be send in one provisioning operation together with password
 +# - false: additional password attributes will be send in new provisioning operation, after password change operation
 +# It's possible to automatic mapped existed account on the target system. It means, before create new account (call create on the connector),
 +# we try to found account (by generated UID) on the target system. If account will be 
 +# returned, then will be mapped on the IdM account. Target account will be reused and only updated by connector.
 +# - true: for reusing account
 +# - false: for not reusing account
 +# - Default value is 'true'
 +==== Provisioning global break ====
 +<note tip>For enable global provisioning break you must set configurations properties defined below, otherwise global provisioning break will not be active.</note>
 +<code properties>
 +# Global break for update disabled/enabled (values: true/false)
 +# Global break for update checked period (integer values)
 +# Global break for update disable limit (integer values)
 +# Global break for update disabled template (ID of template, if will by null default template will be used)
 +# Global break for update warning limit (integer values)
 +# Global break for update warning template (ID of template, if will by null default template will be used)
 +# Global break for update. Existing identity recipients (identity username or id, split by ',')
 +# Global break for update. Recipient will be solved as identities that has assigned defined role/s (role code or id, split by ',')
 +# Global break for create disabled/enabled (values: true/false)
 +# Global break for create checked period (integer values)
 +# Global break for create disable limit (integer values)
 +# Global break for create disabled template (ID of template, if will by null default template will be used)
 +# Global break for create warning limit (integer values)
 +# Global break for create warning template (ID of template, if will by null default template will be used)
 +# Global break for create. Existing identity recipients (identity username or id, split by ',')
 +# Global break for create. Recipient will be solved as identities that has assigned defined role/s (role code or id, split by ',')
 +# Global break for delete disabled/enabled (values: true/false)
 +# Global break for delete checked period (integer values)
 +# Global break for delete disable limit (integer values)
 +# Global break for delete disabled template (ID of template, if will by null default template will be used)
 +# Global break for delete warning limit (integer values)
 +# Global break for delete warning template (ID of template, if will by null default template will be used)
 +# Global break for delete. Existing identity recipients (identity username or id, split by ',')
 +# Global break for delete. Recipient will be solved as identities that has assigned defined role/s (role code or id, split by ',')
 +==== Reports ====
 +=== Report executor ===
 +In the application profile (''application.properties'') - overloadable via ''ConfigurationService''.
 +Every report executor (~report) could have his own configuration properties under prefix: 
 +<code properties>
 +# disable / enable report
 +Where ''<module>'' is report's module a ''<name>'' is report's name.
 +Common configuration properties for all reports:
 +  * ''enabled'' - on / off
 +=== Report renderer ===
 +In the application profile (''application.properties'') - overloadable via ''ConfigurationService''.
 +Every report renderer could have his own configuration properties under prefix: 
 +<code properties>
 +# disable / enable renderer
 +Where ''<module>'' is renderer's module a ''<name>'' is renderer's name.
 +Common configuration properties for all renderers:
 +  * ''enabled'' - on / off
  • by chalupat