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devel:documentation:security:dev:authorization [2019/08/15 14:48]
kopro [Default settings of permissions for an identity profile]
devel:documentation:security:dev:authorization [2021/06/11 06:29] external edit
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 ===== Authorization policies ===== ===== Authorization policies =====
-{{tag> security authorization role policy }}+{{tag> security authorization role policy default user role permissions }}
 An authorization policy determines which permissions a user in CzechIdM has. An authorization policy determines which permissions a user in CzechIdM has.
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 **Real life example**: **Real life example**:
-Let there be an agenda of roles. **To be able to select from the roles dial** (e.g. when requesting roles) **we need to be assigned a permission for an agenda of autocomplete for roles** ''Role - AUTOCOMPLETE'' or //Displaying in autocomplete, selections// for instance with the evaluation type ''BasePermissionEvaluator''.+Let there be an agenda of identities. **To be able to select from the identity dial** (e.g. in filters) **we need to be assigned a permission for an agenda of autocomplete for identities** ''Identity - AUTOCOMPLETE'' or //Displaying in autocomplete, selections// for instance with the evaluation type ''BasePermissionEvaluator''.
 </note> </note>
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 <note important>**Policies are assigned to individual roles and thanks to that the logged in user also gets them (relation identity - IR - role - policy).**</note> <note important>**Policies are assigned to individual roles and thanks to that the logged in user also gets them (relation identity - IR - role - policy).**</note>
   * ''AuthorizationEvaluator'' - authorization "evaluator" - it is basically an implementation of the individual types of the rule described above. Each evaluator carries information about which domain type and which setting it supports. Some can also be universal for more domain types (e.g. children of''BaseEntity''). In order to simplify the implementation of a rule, the class ''AbstractAuthorizationEvaluator'' has been created, which can be simply inherited when adding another rule. The main evaluators will be described below. The main evaluator methods, which must be implemented (or overloaded from ''AbstractAuthorizationEvaluator''):   * ''AuthorizationEvaluator'' - authorization "evaluator" - it is basically an implementation of the individual types of the rule described above. Each evaluator carries information about which domain type and which setting it supports. Some can also be universal for more domain types (e.g. children of''BaseEntity''). In order to simplify the implementation of a rule, the class ''AbstractAuthorizationEvaluator'' has been created, which can be simply inherited when adding another rule. The main evaluators will be described below. The main evaluator methods, which must be implemented (or overloaded from ''AbstractAuthorizationEvaluator''):
 +    * **''getPermissions(policy, authorizable)''** - **returns a set of operations** (the set ''BasePermission''), which the currently logged in **identity can perform** with a given domain object according to the given policy (e.g. READ, UPDATE)
 +    * **''getPredicate(...)''** - returns a jpa criteria **predicate**, which can be "stuck" onto a **where clause** => the query then returns a result which can be paged and ordered. The result contains data, which we have permissions for according to the given policy. It is recommended to write the predicates as subqueries with ''exists'', to prevent problems with joining tables (if, of course, it is not something simple).
     * ''supports(authorizableType)'' - which doamin type is supported by the evaluator     * ''supports(authorizableType)'' - which doamin type is supported by the evaluator
     * ''supportsPermissions()'' - returns true if the assigned permissions are supported. False - it defines them itself internally (e.g. ''AbstractTransitiveEvaluator'').     * ''supportsPermissions()'' - returns true if the assigned permissions are supported. False - it defines them itself internally (e.g. ''AbstractTransitiveEvaluator'').
-    * ''getAuthorities(policy)'' - **returns a set of operations** (the set''BasePermission''), which the currently logged in **identity could perform** according to the given policy (e.g. READ, UPDATE).  +    * ''getAuthorities(policy)'' - **returns a set of operations** (the set''BasePermission''), which the currently logged in **identity could perform** according to the given policy (e.g. READ, UPDATE). 
-    * ''getPermissions(policy, authorizable)'' - **returns a set of operations** (the set ''BasePermission''), which the currently logged in **identity can perform** with a given domain object according to the given policy (e.g. READ, UPDATE) +  * ''AuthorizableService'' - an interface for labeling a service working with entities that it supports evaluating of policies for permissions for data. This has been added mainly because of backward compatibility - permissions for data are linked to individual agendas one by one. The policies can thus be configured only for domain types with services supporting this interface.
-    * ''evaluate(policy, authorizable, permission)'' - this is just sort of a shortcut - it returns true if the currently logged in identity can perform the given operation according to the given policy (in practice - ''contains'' to the set above) +
-    * ''getPredicate(...)'' - returns a jpa criteria **predicate**, which can be "stuck" onto a **where clause** => the query then returns a result which can be paged and ordered. The result contains data, which we have permissions for according to the given policy. It is recommended to write the predicates as subqueries with ''exists'', to prevent problems with joining tables (if, of course, it is not something simple). +
-  * ''AuthorizableService'' - an interface for labeling a service working with entities that it supports evaluating of policies for permissions for data. This has been added mainly because of backward compatibility - permissions for data are linked to individual agendas one by one. The policies can thus be configured only for domain types with services supporting this interface. +
   * ''AuthorizationManager'' - loads and evaluates the set policies for the logged in identity throughout the application:   * ''AuthorizationManager'' - loads and evaluates the set policies for the logged in identity throughout the application:
     * loads all the active policies according to the assigned user roles     * loads all the active policies according to the assigned user roles
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   * ''PASSWORDCHANGE'' - permission is evaluated, when identity's password is changed.   * ''PASSWORDCHANGE'' - permission is evaluated, when identity's password is changed.
-  * ''CHANGEPERMISSION'' - permission is evaluated, when identity's permissions is changed => ''CHANGEPERMISSION'' on identity gives permissions ''READ'', ''CREATE'', ''UPDATE'', ''DELETE'' to identity's role requests. 
   * ''MANUALLYDISABLE''- Deactivate identity manually. Enables bulk action and quick dashboard button.   * ''MANUALLYDISABLE''- Deactivate identity manually. Enables bulk action and quick dashboard button.
   * ''MANUALLYENABLE''- Activate identity manually. Enables bulk action and quick dashboard button.   * ''MANUALLYENABLE''- Activate identity manually. Enables bulk action and quick dashboard button.
 +  * ''CHANGEPERMISSION'' - permission is evaluated, when identity's permissions is changed => ''CHANGEPERMISSION'' on identity gives permissions ''READ'', ''CREATE'', ''UPDATE'', ''DELETE'' to identity's role requests.
 +  * ''CHANGEPROJECTION'' - @since 10.2.0 - Change identity form projection.
 +  * ''CHANGEUSERNAME'' - @since 10.3.0 - Change identity login.
 +  * ''CHANGENAME'' - @since 10.3.0 - Change identity firt name, surname and titles.
 +  * ''CHANGEPHONE'' - @since 10.3.0 - Change identity phone.
 +  * ''CHANGEEMAIL'' - @since 10.3.0 - Change identity eamil.
 +  * ''CHANGEEXTERNALCODE'' - @since 10.3.0 - Change identity personal number.
 +  * ''CHANGEDESCRIPTION'' - @since 10.3.0 - Change identity description.
 +  * ''SWITCHUSER'' - @since 10.5.0 - logged user can login as selected user (switch user). 
 +==== Role====
 +  * ''CANBEREQUESTED'' - role, which can be requested. Used in role request and bulk actions for assign role.
 +  * ''CHANGEPERMISSION'' - @since 11.1.0 - create role request for changing identity permissions on related role - usable for role guarantees.
 +==== Identity role====
 +  * ''CANBEREQUESTED'' - role, which can be requested. Used in copying assigned roles by other identity.
 +==== Identity contract ====
 +  * ''CHANGEPERMISSION'' - permission is evaluated, when identity's permissions is changed => ''CHANGEPERMISSION'' on contract gives permissions ''READ'', ''CREATE'', ''UPDATE'', ''DELETE'' to identity's role requests.
 +  * ''CANBEREQUESTED'' - @since 11.1.0 create role request for changing (ADD only) identity permissions on related contract.
 +===== Cache =====
 +Cache is used for evaluating authorization policies and permissions by ''AuthorizationManager'':
 +  * **''core:authorization-policy-cache''** - Cache stores active authorization policies of currently logged user. Cache is evicted after user log out. When authorization policies configuration is changed, then user is logged out and cache is evicted (after permissions removal only). Cache expiration is 2 hour, e.g. if user forgot to log out.
 +  * **''core:permission-cache''** - Cache stores permissions (for data) of currently logged user. Cache is evicted after user log out. Cache expiration is 1 minute - if data structure is changed, then permissions are actualized after this duration. When authorization policies configuration is changed, cache is evicted (completely).
 ===== Base authorization evaluators ===== ===== Base authorization evaluators =====
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 Serves as a parent for evaluating permissions according to the derived objects - for example, I have a permission for the assigned role if I have a permission for the identity, etc. See the children of this abstract class below (''IdentityContractByIdentityEvaluator''). Serves as a parent for evaluating permissions according to the derived objects - for example, I have a permission for the assigned role if I have a permission for the identity, etc. See the children of this abstract class below (''IdentityContractByIdentityEvaluator'').
 +=== Parameters ===
 +  * **Use permissions** (''include-permissions'') - Only selected permissions can be used from owner permissions transitively. Configuration property has to be used in evaluator configuration properties (in evaluator form attributes) and ''getPredicate method'' has to check evaluated permission is selected (see ''IdentityContractByIdentityEvaluator'' for example).
 ==== BasePermissionEvaluator ==== ==== BasePermissionEvaluator ====
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 Gives currently logged user a permission to work with his own identity.  Gives currently logged user a permission to work with his own identity. 
 +==== IdentityByFormProjectionEvaluator ====
 +@since 10.3.0
 +A permission for identities by user type.
 +=== Parameters ===
 +  * **User type** (''form-projection'') - Add permission to selected user type or to default type (user without type is specified).
 ==== SubordinatesEvaluator ==== ==== SubordinatesEvaluator ====
-A permission for identities which are my subordinates. [[..:..:architecture:dev:filters#defaultsubordinatesfilter|Overloadable filters]] are used for evaluating subordinates or managers.+A permission for contracts which are my subordinates. [[..:..:architecture:dev:filters#defaultsubordinatesfilter|Overloadable filters]] are used for evaluating subordinates or managers. 
 +==== SubordinateContractEvaluator ==== 
 +@since 10.3.0 
 +A permission for identities which are my subordinate contracts. [[..:..:architecture:dev:filters#defaultcontractbymanagerfilter|Overloadable filters]] are used for evaluating subordinate contracts or contract managers.
 ==== IdentityContractByIdentityEvaluator ==== ==== IdentityContractByIdentityEvaluator ====
 Gives a permission for industrial relations according to the permission for identity => e.g. if I have a permission to read an identity, I have a permission to read its IR. ''AbstractTransitiveEvaluator'' is used here. Gives a permission for industrial relations according to the permission for identity => e.g. if I have a permission to read an identity, I have a permission to read its IR. ''AbstractTransitiveEvaluator'' is used here.
 +=== Parameters ===
 +  * **Use permissions** (''include-permissions'') - Only selected permissions can be used from identity permissions transitively.
 +<note warning>Prevent to combine with ''IdentityByContractEvaluator'' - configure one of them.</note>
 +==== IdentityByContractEvaluator ====
 +@since 10.3.0
 +Gives a permission for identity according to the permission for identity contract => e.g. if I have a permission to read an contract, I have a permission to read its identity.
 +<note warning>Prevent to combine with ''IdentityContractByIdentityEvaluator '' - configure one of them.</note>
 ==== ContractGuaranteeByIdentityContractEvaluator ==== ==== ContractGuaranteeByIdentityContractEvaluator ====
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 Gives a permission for assigned roles according to the permission for the identity => e.g. If I have a permission to read an identity, I have a permission to read its assigned roles. ''AbstractTransitiveEvaluator'' is used here. If I have a permission to edit the identity, I have a permission to edit (add or delete) its assigned roles. Gives a permission for assigned roles according to the permission for the identity => e.g. If I have a permission to read an identity, I have a permission to read its assigned roles. ''AbstractTransitiveEvaluator'' is used here. If I have a permission to edit the identity, I have a permission to edit (add or delete) its assigned roles.
 +==== IdentityRoleByContractEvaluator ====
 +@since 10.3.0
 +Gives a permission for assigned roles according to the permission for the contract => e.g. If I have a permission to read an contract, I have a permission to read its assigned roles. ''AbstractTransitiveEvaluator'' is used here. If I have a permission to edit the contract, I have a permission to edit (add or delete) its assigned roles. Logged identity can see / edit roles assigned to managed contracts only.
 +==== IdentityRoleByRoleEvaluator ====
 +@since 9.7.12
 +Gives a permission for assigned roles according to the permission for the role definition => e.g. If I have a permission to read an role, I have a permission to read its assigned roles. ''AbstractTransitiveEvaluator'' is used here. If I have a permission to edit the role, I have a permission to edit its assigned roles.
 +It's usable mainly with can be requested permission - enables copying assigned roles from other identity.
 +=== Parameters ===
 +  * **Can be requested only** (''can-be-requested-only'') - Add permission for role requests only (can be requested). Usable, when assigned roles need to be copied from another user. **Other permissions will not be added.**
 +<note tip>If you want to enable copying all assigned roles (the same behavior < @9.7.12), then configure ''BasePermissionEvaluator'' with ''Can be requested'' permission to all assigned roles (``IdmIdentityRole``).</note>
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 Gives a permission for code list items according to the permission for the code list => e.g. If I have a permission to read a code list, I have a permission to read its items. Gives a permission for code list items according to the permission for the code list => e.g. If I have a permission to read a code list, I have a permission to read its items.
 +==== CodeListItemByCodeEvaluator ====
 +@since 10.3.0
 +Gives a permission for code list items according to the permission for the code list and item codes.
 +=== Parameters ===
 +  * **Code list** (''codelist'') - Items from selected code list.
 +  * **Items** (''item-codes'') - Add permission to code list items by their codes. All items from selected code list will be used as default (use comma as separator - more item codes are supported).
 ==== VsRequestByImplementerEvaluator ==== ==== VsRequestByImplementerEvaluator ====
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   * **By permission to update user** (''owner-update'') - Add permission to attributes of users, which can be updated by the logged user (for example, when logged user can update identity, then he can update attributes too).   * **By permission to update user** (''owner-update'') - Add permission to attributes of users, which can be updated by the logged user (for example, when logged user can update identity, then he can update attributes too).
   * **By permission to read user** (''owner-read'') - Add permission to attributes of users, which can be read by the logged user (for example, when logged user can read identity, then he can update attributes).   * **By permission to read user** (''owner-read'') - Add permission to attributes of users, which can be read by the logged user (for example, when logged user can read identity, then he can update attributes).
 +==== IdentityContractFormValueEvaluator ====
 +@since 10.2.0
 +<note tip>Since version **10.2.0**, it is possible to define permissions not only for contract as a whole, but also for **individual attributes**. This means that it is now possible for one user to view (or edit) all his attributes, and only one attribute for the other.</note>
 +<note important>The permissions control for a particular attribute is now only available for extended attributes (EAV).</note>
 +Permissions to contract form attribute values. By definition (main if not specified) and attrinute codes (all if not specified).
 +Configure permissions for form definitions together with this evaluator - ''FORMDEFINITION_AUTOCOMPLETE'' is needed for read / update form values in this definition.
 +=== Parameters ===
 +  * **Form definition** (''form-definition'') - Select definition, which contains attributes. Main definition will be used as default.
 +  * **Attributes** (''attributes'') - Add permission to attributes. All attributes from selected form definition will be used as default. All attributes or attribute codes (use comma as separator).
 +  * **By permission to update contract** (''owner-update'') - Add permission to attributes of contracts, which can be updated by the logged user (for example, when logged user can update contract, then he can update attributes too).
 +  * **By permission to read contract** (''owner-read'') - Add permission to attributes of contracts, which can be read by the logged user (for example, when logged user can read contract, then he can update attributes).
 ==== RoleCatalogueRoleByRoleEvaluator ==== ==== RoleCatalogueRoleByRoleEvaluator ====
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 Permissions to identity roles. User can manipulate with his own roles. With basic settings for user you dont need this, beacause exist evaluator **IdentityRoleByIdentityEvaluator** and every identity can read all roles for identities that can read. Permissions to identity roles. User can manipulate with his own roles. With basic settings for user you dont need this, beacause exist evaluator **IdentityRoleByIdentityEvaluator** and every identity can read all roles for identities that can read.
 +==== SelfContractEvaluator ====
 +@since 10.4.0
 +Permissions to contracts. User can manipulate with his own contracts.
 ==== Universal request agenda (IdmRequest - evaluators) ==== ==== Universal request agenda (IdmRequest - evaluators) ====
 [[devel:documentation:roles:dev:universal_requests#permissions| Universal request agenda]] [[devel:documentation:roles:dev:universal_requests#permissions| Universal request agenda]]
 +==== RoleByRoleCatalogueEvaluator ====
 +@since 10.3.0 for **LTS version** is available similar evaluator in [[devel:documentation:modules_extras:role_evaluator_by_role_catalogue|extras module]].
 +Documentation for the evaluator is available [[devel:documentation:security:dev:authorization:role_evaluator_by_role_catalogue|there]].
 +==== IdentityByTreeNodeEvaluator ====
 +@since 10.3.0 for **LTS version** is available similar evaluator in [[devel:documentation:modules_extras:identity_evaluator_by_work_position|extras module]].
 +Documentation for the evaluator is available [[devel:documentation:security:dev:authorization:identity_evaluator_by_work_position|there]].
 ===== Default policies ===== ===== Default policies =====
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-<note important>The business roles are not dealt with within the default role => the user will get what is set for the default role, nothing more.</note>+<note tip>The business roles are supported with the default role => the user will get all authorization policies from default and all sub roles.</note>
 ===== Examples of configuration ===== ===== Examples of configuration =====
 ==== Default settings of permissions for an identity profile ==== ==== Default settings of permissions for an identity profile ====
-<note tip>From version 9.7.3 is'n feature manually disabled and manually enabled for user allowed by permission Identity UPDATE. But exits own permissions for each operation (MANUALLYDISABLE and MANUALLYENABLE)</note> 
 This is a typical setting for the **userRole** - regular user as defined in the [[..:..:..:..:instalacni_balicek#definice_opravneni_v_identity_manageru|installation package]]. This is a typical setting for the **userRole** - regular user as defined in the [[..:..:..:..:instalacni_balicek#definice_opravneni_v_identity_manageru|installation package]].
 If we want to read an identity profile including its assigned roles and IR, to enable password change and to request roles, it is possible to set the default role authorization policies as follows: If we want to read an identity profile including its assigned roles and IR, to enable password change and to request roles, it is possible to set the default role authorization policies as follows:
-  * Permission to read one's own identity: Users (IdmIdentity) | Displaying in autocomplete, reading, change password, manage authorizations | SelfIdentityEvaluator+  * Permission to read one's own identity: Users (IdmIdentity) | Displaying in autocomplete, reading, Change password, Change roles | SelfIdentityEvaluator
   * Permission to read the assigned identity roles: Roles assigned to users (IdmIdentityRole)| - | IdentityRoleByIdentityEvaluator   * Permission to read the assigned identity roles: Roles assigned to users (IdmIdentityRole)| - | IdentityRoleByIdentityEvaluator
-  * Permission to read contracts according to identity: Industrial relations (IdmIdentityContract) | | IdentityContractByIdentityEvaluator+  * Permission to request roles (which can be requested): Role (IdmRole) | Can be requested | RoleCanBeRequestedEvaluator (since the version 9.7.12) 
 +  * Permission to request roles by copy them from other identity (which can be requested): Assigned roles (IdmIdentityRole) | **Can be requested only: true** | IdentityRoleByRoleEvaluator 
 +  * Permission to read contracts according to identity: Industrial relations (IdmIdentityContract) | **Use permissions: View in select box (autocomplete), Read, Change roles** | IdentityContractByIdentityEvaluator
   * Permission to read other contract positions according to contract: Other contract positions (IdmContractPosition) | - | ContractPositionByIdentityContractEvaluator   * Permission to read other contract positions according to contract: Other contract positions (IdmContractPosition) | - | ContractPositionByIdentityContractEvaluator
   * Permission to read guarantees of IR: Industrial relation guarantees (IdmContractGuarantee) | - | ContractGuaranteeByIdentityContractEvaluator   * Permission to read guarantees of IR: Industrial relation guarantees (IdmContractGuarantee) | - | ContractGuaranteeByIdentityContractEvaluator
Line 312: Line 433:
   * Permission to read and change indetity profile: Identity profile (IdmProfile) | Read, Update, Create | SelfProfileEvaluator (since the version 9.2.0)   * Permission to read and change indetity profile: Identity profile (IdmProfile) | Read, Update, Create | SelfProfileEvaluator (since the version 9.2.0)
   * Enabling the autocomplete for entities:   * Enabling the autocomplete for entities:
-    * User profile (picture) (IdmProfile) | Displaying in autocomplete, selections | BasePermissionEvaluator 
     * Users (IdmIdentity) | Displaying in autocomplete, selections | BasePermissionEvaluator     * Users (IdmIdentity) | Displaying in autocomplete, selections | BasePermissionEvaluator
-    * Role (IdmRole) | Displaying in autocomplete, selections | **RoleCanBeRequestedEvaluator** (this is necessary to filter roles by the "Can be requested" attribute in the role requests).+    * User profile (picture) (IdmProfile) | Displaying in autocomplete, selections | BasePermissionEvaluator 
 +    Role (IdmRole| Displaying in autocomplete, selections | BasePermissionEvaluator
     * Role catalog (IdmRoleCatalogue) | Displaying in autocomplete, selections | BasePermissionEvaluator     * Role catalog (IdmRoleCatalogue) | Displaying in autocomplete, selections | BasePermissionEvaluator
     * Industrial relations (IdmIdentityContract) | Displaying in autocomplete, selections | BasePermissionEvaluator     * Industrial relations (IdmIdentityContract) | Displaying in autocomplete, selections | BasePermissionEvaluator
Line 322: Line 443:
     * Identity accounts (AccIdentityAccount) | - | IdentityAccountByAccountEvaluator       **(<- use this only when using acc module)**     * Identity accounts (AccIdentityAccount) | - | IdentityAccountByAccountEvaluator       **(<- use this only when using acc module)**
     * Connected systems | Displaying in autocomplete, selections | BasePermissionEvaluator      * Connected systems | Displaying in autocomplete, selections | BasePermissionEvaluator 
-  * Permission to read automatic role requests in workflow approval: Requests for automatic roles (IdmAutomaticRoleRequest) | Read, Update, Create, Delete AutomaticRoleRequestByWfInvolvedIdentityEvaluator It's good to have autocomplete permission to IdmAutomaticRoleAttribute and IdmRoleTreeNode.). The permission is possibly in wrong place+    * Scheduler (IdmLongRunningTask) | Displaying in autocomplete, selections | BasePermissionEvaluator 
-  * Permission to autocomplete form definitions (eav attributes on detail for identitiesrolesetc): Forms definitions (IdmFormDefinition) | Displaying in autocomplete, selections BasePermissionEvaluator+    * Code lists (IdmCodeList) | Displaying in autocomplete, selections | BasePermissionEvaluator 
 +    * Code lists - items (IdmCodeListItem) | Displaying in autocomplete, selections | [[#codelistitembycodelistevaluator|CodeListItemByCodeListEvaluator]] or [[#codelistitembycodeevaluator|CodeListItemByCodeEvaluator]] 
 +  * Permission to read and solve one'requests on virtual systems: Requests on virtual systems (VsRequest) | Administration VsRequestByImplementerEvaluator ([[tutorial:adm:modules_vs#permissions]]). If you don't want to display the VS requests agenda to all your users, then we recommend setting this permission to some other role which you will assign only to the VS implementers. 
 +<note tip>From version 9.7.3 isn't feature manually disabled and manually enabled for user allowed by permission Identity ''UPDATE''But exits own permissions for each operation (''MANUALLYDISABLE'' or ''MANUALLYENABLE'')</note> 
 +<note tip>From version 9.7.12 it's required ''CANBEREQUESTED'' permission for copying roles into request by other identity.</note> 
 +=== Manager and subordinates === 
 +If you want to enable the managers of the users to read their subordinates and change their permissions on managed contracts only: 
 +  * **add** following **permissions** to the userRole: 
 +    * Users (IdmIdentity) | View in select box (autocomplete), Read | **SubordinatesEvaluator** 
 +    * Contracts (IdmIdentityContract) | View in select box (autocomplete)ReadChange roles | **SubordinateContractEvaluator** 
 +    * Assigned roles (IdmIdentityRole| **IdentityRoleByContractEvaluator** 
 +<note tip>This configuration is available from version 10.3.0. If you are using some older version, add one permission instead:  
 +  * Users (IdmIdentity) | View in select box (autocomplete)Read, Change roles **SubordinatesEvaluator** 
 +**With this setting manager will see even other contracts, which not manages** (=> all identity contracts) and can assign role to other contract. This is the reason, why new authorization policies and setting was introduced in version 10.3.0.  
 +==== Default settings of permissions for delegations ==== 
 +Default settings of permissions for delegations are defined in the role '**Delegation (delegationRole)**'.
-If you want to enable the managers of the users to read their subordinates and change their permissions, add following permissions to the userRole+<note tip>You can see a detailed configuration of evaluators with comments here
-  * Users (IdmIdentity) | Manage authorizations, View in select box (autocomplete), Read SubordinatesEvaluator+[[https://github.com/bcvsolutions/CzechIdMng/blob/develop/Realization/backend/core/core-impl/src/main/java/eu/bcvsolutions/idm/core/model/event/processor/module/InitDelegationRoleProcessor.java#L106-L202 
 ==== Settings of permissions for the Helpdesk role ==== ==== Settings of permissions for the Helpdesk role ====
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   * Permission to see provisioning archive: Provisioning - archive (SysProvisioningArchive) | Read | BasePermissionEvaluator   * Permission to see provisioning archive: Provisioning - archive (SysProvisioningArchive) | Read | BasePermissionEvaluator
 +==== Settings of permissions for virtual system implementer  ====
 +The virtual system implementer (~approver) role should have following additional permissions:
 +  * Permission to admin virtual system requests: Requests on virtual systems (VsRequest ) | Administration (all) | VsRequestByImplementerEvaluator
 ==== Default settings of permissions for a role detail ==== ==== Default settings of permissions for a role detail ====
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     * Role authorizers - by role (IdmRoleGuaranteeRole) | - | RoleGuaranteeRoleByRoleEvaluator     * Role authorizers - by role (IdmRoleGuaranteeRole) | - | RoleGuaranteeRoleByRoleEvaluator
   * Permission to read automatic roles (tree) by role: Automatic roles (IdmRoleTreeNode) | - | RoleTreeNodeByRoleEvaluator   * Permission to read automatic roles (tree) by role: Automatic roles (IdmRoleTreeNode) | - | RoleTreeNodeByRoleEvaluator
 +  * Permission to autocomplete automatic roles (tree): Automatic roles (IdmRoleTreeNode) | Displaying in autocomplete, selections | BasePermissionEvaluator
   * Permission to read automatic roles (attributes) by role:    * Permission to read automatic roles (attributes) by role: 
-    * Automatic roles (attributes) (IdmAutomaticRoleAttribute) | Read | BasePermissionEvaluator+    * Automatic roles (attributes) (IdmAutomaticRoleAttribute) | Displaying in autocomplete, selections, Read | BasePermissionEvaluator
     * Rules for automatic roles (attributes) (IdmAutomaticRoleAttributeRule)| Read | BasePermissionEvaluator     * Rules for automatic roles (attributes) (IdmAutomaticRoleAttributeRule)| Read | BasePermissionEvaluator
   * Permissions to read request for automatic roles (both):   * Permissions to read request for automatic roles (both):
     * Requests for automatic roles (IdmAutomaticRoleRequest) | Read | BasePermissionEvaluator     * Requests for automatic roles (IdmAutomaticRoleRequest) | Read | BasePermissionEvaluator
     * Requests for automatic roles (rules of the attributes) (IdmAutomaticRoleAttributeRuleRequest) | - | AutomaticRoleRuleRequestByRequestEvaluator     * Requests for automatic roles (rules of the attributes) (IdmAutomaticRoleAttributeRuleRequest) | - | AutomaticRoleRuleRequestByRequestEvaluator
 +  * Permission to read automatic role requests in workflow approval: Requests for automatic roles (IdmAutomaticRoleRequest) | Read, Update | AutomaticRoleRequestByWfInvolvedIdentityEvaluator. For create new or delete an automatic role request add another evaluator (for example BasePermissionEvaluator to choosed users). Add also autocomplete permission to IdmAutomaticRoleAttribute (if you use automatic roles by attributes) and IdmRoleTreeNode (if you use automatic roles by organizations.).
   * Permission to read permissions by role: Permission (IdmAuthorizationPolicy) | - | AuthorizationPolicyByRoleEvaluator   * Permission to read permissions by role: Permission (IdmAuthorizationPolicy) | - | AuthorizationPolicyByRoleEvaluator
   * Permission to read accounts: Accounts in system | Read | BasePermissionEvaluator   * Permission to read accounts: Accounts in system | Read | BasePermissionEvaluator
Line 358: Line 510:
     * Business roles definition (IdmRoleComposition) | - | [[#RoleCompositionBySuperiorRoleEvaluator]]     * Business roles definition (IdmRoleComposition) | - | [[#RoleCompositionBySuperiorRoleEvaluator]]
     * Business roles definition (IdmRoleComposition) | - | [[#RoleCompositionBySubRoleEvaluator]]     * Business roles definition (IdmRoleComposition) | - | [[#RoleCompositionBySubRoleEvaluator]]
 +  * Permission to autocomplete form definitions: Forms - definitions (IdmFormDefiniton) | Displaying in autocomplete, selections | BasePermissionEvaluator
   * Role attributes (subdefnition) (IdmRoleFormAttribute) | - | RoleFormAttributeByRoleEvaluator   * Role attributes (subdefnition) (IdmRoleFormAttribute) | - | RoleFormAttributeByRoleEvaluator
Line 367: Line 520:
   * Permission to admin code list extended attributes: Forms - attributes (IdmFormAttribute) | - | [[#FormAttributteByCodeListEvaluator]]   * Permission to admin code list extended attributes: Forms - attributes (IdmFormAttribute) | - | [[#FormAttributteByCodeListEvaluator]]
-==== Secure identity form (extended) attribute values ====+==== Settings of permissions of identity basic attributes ==== 
 +If we want to enable for currently logged identity change all basic identity attributes (e.g. login, first name, surname), the authorization policies can be set as follows: 
 +  * Permission to update identity and attributes: Users (IdmIdentity) | **Update**, Change phone, Change personal number, Change note, Change login, Change user type (projection), Change email, Change first name, surname and titles | BasePermissionEvaluator 
 +<note tip>Can be combined with [[#manager_and_subordinates|subordinates evaluator]] to enable update attributes for managers only. When identity is created, then **CREATE** permission is needed only - additional permissions are evaluated for **UPDATE** identity only.</note> 
 +<note important>This configuration is **required from version 10.3.0** for update basic identity attributes.</note> 
 +==== Settings of permissions of identity form (extended) attribute values ==== 
 +If we want to enable for currently logged identity read / update for some form attributes (e.g ''phone'') from some form definition (e.g. from main definition) on identity detail (tab more information), the authorization policies can be set as follows: 
 +  * Permission to autocomplete main form definition: Forms - definitions (IdmFormDefinition) | Displaying in autocomplete, selections | UuidEvaluator - enter main definition (for identities) identifier 
 +  * Permission to update ''phone'' attribute: Forms - values (IdmIdentityFormValue) | Read, Update | IdentityFormValueEvaluator - select form definition same as above, enter ''phone'' as attributes 
 +  * and check logged user only checkbox, if currently logged user can edit just itself. Logged user will not get permissions to edit other users. 
 +==== Settings of permissions of contract form (extended) attribute values ==== 
 +If we want to enable for currently logged identity read / update for some contract form attributes (e.g. ''other manager'') from some form definition (e.g. from main definition) on contract detail (tab more information), the authorization policies have to be be set as follows: 
 +  * Permission to autocomplete main form definition: Forms - definitions (IdmFormDefiniton) | Displaying in autocomplete, selections | UuidEvaluator - enter main definition (for contracts) identifier 
 +  * Permission to update ''other manager'' attribute: Forms - values (IdmIdentityContractFormValue) | Read, Update | IdentityContractFormValueEvaluator - select form definition same as above and enter ''other manager'' as attributes. 
 +==== Settings which enable skipping of the role approvement ====
-If we want to enable for currently logged identity update only for some form attributes (e.g phone) from some form definition (e.g. from main definition) on identity detail (tab more information), the authorization policies can be set as follows: +Assignment of roles is normally approved by the standard [[devel:documentation:role_change|approval process]]The approval process may be skipped by executing the bulk action for [[tutorial:adm:identities_bulk_actions#roles_assignment|Role assignment]] with unchecked Approve, but only if the user has the following permission
-  * Enable authorization policies support for identity form values by [[..:..:application_configuration:dev:backend#identity|configuration]]+  * Permission to directly execute role requestsRole requests (IdmRoleRequest) | Execute BasePermissionEvaluator
-  * Permission to autocomplete main form definitionForms - definitions (IdmFormDefiniton) | Displaying in autocomplete, selections | UuidEvaluator - enter main definition (for identities) identifier +
-  * Permission to update phone attributeForms - values (IdmIdentityFormValue) | Read, Update IdentityFormValueEvaluator - select form definition, enter 'phone' as attributes and check logged user only checkbox.+
 ===== Employing policies for a new domain type - entity ===== ===== Employing policies for a new domain type - entity =====
  • by koulaj