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Modules - Tool [tool] @devel:documentation
39 Hits, Last modified:
OME`` environment property or use ``–maven-home`` IdM tool argument). If libraries for maven build are ... racted and put into a node folder created in your installation directory (``target``) automatically (we are usin... be installed globally and used by ``–node-home`` IdM tool argument. third party node modules are down... w to get the tool Executable tool is available in idm.war artefact on path ``<idm.war>/WEB-INF/idm-tool
Modules - pwd-reset: How to reset forgotten password? @tutorial:adm
23 Hits, Last modified:
kage. The package contains a backend folder. Your IdM Tomcat installation we call IDM in the following example. Copy the content of the backend folder into your tomcat IdM installation - [IDM]/WEB-INF/lib Set correct access rights to the files if needed (chown tomcat:tomcat [IDM]/WEB-INF/lib/*) Restart the IdM application serv
Modules - Business cards [bsc] @devel:documentation
20 Hits, Last modified:
possibility to create business cards for users in IdM. Business card is some pdf document. Data for this document must be saved in IdM. It doesn't matter where the data are saved. You ... lly based on primary contract. Configuration and installation on IdStory appliance Add the module and its depen... me). Configure following application properties: idm.sec.bsc.configuration.bck.path=//opt/czechidm/dat
  • by tsunami