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Modules - pwd-reset: How to reset forgotten password?
23 Hits, Last modified:
kage. The package contains a backend folder. Your IdM Tomcat installation we call IDM in the following example. Copy the content of the backend folder into your tomcat IdM installation - [IDM]/WEB-INF/lib Set correct access rights to the files if needed (chown tomcat:tomcat [IDM]/WEB-INF/lib/*) Restart the IdM application serv
Systems - AD: Manage users - Wizard
10 Hits, Last modified:
lt (can be set as 389 if not using SSL). User - IdM's system user which have sufficient rights to per... it to accept the certificates. If you have custom installation of CzechIdM you need to ad the certificates to th... st user should be changed in accordance to where IdM is allowed to create users. This will also be use... the prefilled path is exactly matching rights of IdM's user. Last step in test is to Run test on Del
Configuration of WinRM
3 Hits, Last modified:
RM. Install pywinrm follow only the first part of installation, we don't need to install connector server. Open ... eferred location for export $hostname='ad.idstory.idm' #hostname your machine $params = @{ Subject = "CN=winrm.$hostname" DnsName = 'ad.idstory.idm' CertStoreLocation = 'Cert:\LocalMachine\My'
Server preparation - Windows
21 Hits, Last modified:
Server preparation - Windows installation , java , tomcat , quickstart , apache httpd This tutorial shows you ... and software configuration Prerequisities - Basic installation of Windows Server 2016. Install the Telnet Clien... . Also optional, but greatly helps with debugging IdM webapp problems. Install Git Bash. This will be essential when configuring IdM and checking its logs. Use checkout-windows, com
Server preparation - Linux - CentOS8
15 Hits, Last modified:
Server preparation - Linux - CentOS8 installation , java , tomcat , quickstart , apache httpd This tutorial sh... epository enabled - CentOS, basic network enabled installation It is possible to use Debian (we tested on Stret... and software configuration Prerequisities - Basic installation of CentOS 8 # EPEL installation dnf clean all dnf -y install epel-release dnf -y update # other recommended p
  • by tsunami