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Synchronization - contractual relationship @devel:documentation:synchronization:dev
8 Hits, Last modified:
d when user canceled sync ! HR processes In new IdM installation must HR processes be running at least once manual... ing Owner - Relation owner. Must be identity in IdM. This field is required for every relation. Output from attribute transformation can be: ID of IdM identity in String or UUID format. Username of IdM identity in String. Main - Define if is the con
Synchronization - time slices of contractual relationship @devel:documentation:synchronization:dev
7 Hits, Last modified:
ation about its run. HR processes proper In new IdM installation must HR processes be running at least once manual... ation's owner, it must be an existing identity in IdM. This field is required for every relation. Output from attribute transformation can be: ID of IdM identity in String or UUID format. Username of IdM identity in String. Main - Defines if the contr
  • by tsunami