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Database table wizard
2 Hits, Last modified:
iven database type is displayed only if the given IdM installation has the necessary database driver available. MS-
Microsoft Active Directory (MS AD) wizard for groups
18 Hits, Last modified:
ctive Directory system (AD). Connecting AD within IdM is very important and at the same time manual con... se secure communication (SSL), which requires the installation of a correct certificate. It is also important to... heir membership from MS AD . Loading AD groups to IdM is usually done when you want to manage the group membership of the AD users by IdM. So connecting the system for managing AD users i
Microsoft Active Directory (MS AD) wizard for users
10 Hits, Last modified:
ctive Directory system (AD). Connecting AD within IdM is very important and at the same time manual con... se secure communication (SSL), which requires the installation of a correct certificate. It is also important to... he name of the system as you want it to appear in IdM. Next, fill access data to the connected AD. Ie. ... the server. First, the wizard verifies that your IdM server has the correct certificate installed for
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