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Remote connector server @devel:documentation:adm:systems:connectors
129 Hits, Last modified:
Remote connector server system , connector , configuration Remote connector server is a standalone daemon used for interfacing some ... . You deploy connector bundles into the connector server. Then, you configure CzechIdM to use connectors from within the remote connector server. As far as IdM is concerned, there is no differen
WinRM + AD Connector @devel:documentation:adm:systems
28 Hits, Last modified:
enLims via special client which is on the windows servers and is executed from powershelll Basically you ... ound. All of these scripts logging into connector server log. All log messages are shown after powershell ... or connecting and executing PS scripts in windows server. You need to install first. In the link above the... is a tutorial. It's better to run it in connector server instead of directly adding dependency to your app
Configuration - backend @devel:documentation:application_configuration:dev
25 Hits, Last modified:
verloaded through a setting agenda in the gui ⇒ a server restart isn't needed for changing the configurati... profiles We are using Spring profiles: Doc. Start server under defined profile (add JAVA_OPTS parameters):... on External configuration uses Spring: Doc. Start server with external path to configuration (add JAVA_OPT... PTS parameters Configuration items Application/ Server In the application profile (application.propertie
Tasks scheduler @devel:documentation:application_configuration:dev:scheduled_tasks
13 Hits, Last modified:
n the task how it will accept the parameters (the prepared ParameterConverter can be used). Every task has a defined instance (server) where it should be run. From one instance, it is... nager which controls actively the tasks to be run prepared by the scheduler (through the database). The ... after previous task will end (respectively, when prepared task will be executed from queue again - see
Modules - Tool [tool]
12 Hits, Last modified:
new development version will be set, tag will be prepared. - Release module version - release module un... new development version will be set, tag will be prepared. - Change product version - set version for a... leases) has to be available. Libraries have to be prepared in local maven repository otherwise. - Node a... lop-version`` argument. , –publish , , Push prepared development, production and tags into origin
API documentation (Swagger) @devel:documentation:architecture:dev
9 Hits, Last modified:
’s resources. It is available at IdM backend url <server>/idm-backend/api. Swagger2Markup - generation of... ation. Documentation is available on root backend server url e.g.<server>/api - documented endpoints can be tested with demo credentials directly from Swagger UI.... fication in json format is available on url e.g. <server>/api/doc?group=core. Documentation always contain
How to write scripts for WinRM + AD Connector @devel:documentation:systems:dev
6 Hits, Last modified:
ful about line ending. If you are using connector server on Linux environment be sure that python script h... ["paramName"] # For getting attribute you can use prepared method winrm_wrapper.getParam("paramName") wh... aram("sAMAccountName") # For logging you can use prepared method from wrapper winrm_wrapper.writeLog("C... _=" + uid) sys.exit() Powershell When connector server is on Windows use Write-Output instead of Write-H
Events - processing of events @devel:documentation:adm:configuration
5 Hits, Last modified:
ATE, UPDATE, DELETE SysRemoteServerDto - Remote server in ACC module supports base event types CREATE, ... ation about registered asynchronous processors is prepared, when asynchronous event is published. Notifi... t order: 50 Persists formable entity's (owner's) prepared eav attribute values. ## Enable / disable id... Dto Event type: DUPLICATE Default order: -1000 Prepares role's basic properties. Register custom pr
Events - processing of events @devel:documentation:architecture:dev
5 Hits, Last modified:
ATE, UPDATE, DELETE SysRemoteServerDto - Remote server in ACC module supports base event types CREATE, ... ation about registered asynchronous processors is prepared, when asynchronous event is published. Notifi... t order: 50 Persists formable entity's (owner's) prepared eav attribute values. ## Enable / disable id... Dto Event type: DUPLICATE Default order: -1000 Prepares role's basic properties. Register custom pr
Init application and data @devel:documentation:architecture:dev:events
4 Hits, Last modified:
zation-processor , Cancel synchronizations after server is restarted. , -10010 , no core , core-init... all previously ran tasks etc. (tasks run, before server was restarted). , -10000 , no core , core-in... register you processor in custom module, then use prepared AbstractInitApplicationProcessor superclass. Processor order is designed to prepare all configurations (e.g. form definitions, pas
4 Hits, Last modified:
e , MIT , for free example , Example module, servers for new developers as example , , MIT , for... , paid reports , Reports module. Admins can prepare a report of users or roles and download it , ... ways , Modules - SMS [sms] , , paid lic , PREPARING - License and hardware overview. Create list and assign to users , PREPARING , , paid pwd-sync , AD Domain Passwor
SQL Universal report @devel:documentation:modules_reports:reports
4 Hits, Last modified:
e list - reports data based on a custom SQL query prepared and stored in code list You have to use only... ntifier you fill in report, in attribute Code is prepared SQL for report. Example of report configurat... lic TO czechidm_report; \q exit exit Back on the server (outside of the docker container), save the passw... ad6a-1113-4102-bc7d-90fe64c2ed16'::uuid); MS SQL Server. Do příkazu se dá UUID upravené - odstraní se pom
Tasks scheduler @devel:documentation:adm
3 Hits, Last modified:
erations in queue periodically. This LRT executes prepared (``created``) requests for provisioning, when... after process was stopped or interrupted (e.g. by server restart). Parameters ``roleTreeNode`` - automat... after process was stopped or interrupted (e.g. by server restart). Parameters ``role-composition-id`` -
Database scripts (Flyway) @devel:documentation:architecture:dev
3 Hits, Last modified:
{dbName} We expect to use a postgresql or MS SQL server database, therefore all the scripts will be found... scanning package. The configuration will use the prepared property file and run the migration: package... table. Note that the syntax of the script for SQL server is different from the syntax of the script for Po
Overview of EAVs and dynamic forms @devel:documentation:eav:adm
2 Hits, Last modified:
orm attribute values, it is possible to configure prepared validations. Validation are evaluated (on the... system - attachment is uploaded as temporary to server and it's identifier is used as an extended attrib
User type @devel:documentation:identities:dev
2 Hits, Last modified:
Authentication @devel:documentation:security:dev
2 Hits, Last modified:
  • by tsunami