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Configuration - backend
25 Hits, Last modified:
verloaded through a setting agenda in the gui ⇒ a server restart isn't needed for changing the configurati... profiles We are using Spring profiles: Doc. Start server under defined profile (add JAVA_OPTS parameters):... on External configuration uses Spring: Doc. Start server with external path to configuration (add JAVA_OPT... PTS parameters Configuration items Application/ Server In the application profile (application.propertie
Tasks scheduler @devel:documentation:application_configuration:dev:scheduled_tasks
13 Hits, Last modified:
n the task how it will accept the parameters (the prepared ParameterConverter can be used). Every task has a defined instance (server) where it should be run. From one instance, it is... nager which controls actively the tasks to be run prepared by the scheduler (through the database). The ... after previous task will end (respectively, when prepared task will be executed from queue again - see
  • by tsunami