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Entity - create a new CzechIdM entity and its management @tutorial:dev
21 Hits, Last modified:
oducts") @Api( value = ExampleProductController.TAG, description = "Example products", tags = { ExampleProductController.TAG }) public class ExampleProductController extends DefaultReadWriteDto... eProductFilter> { protected static final String TAG = "Example products"; @Autowired public Examp
Connector configuration and attribute mapping @devel:documentation:systems:dev
16 Hits, Last modified:
nger periods and for multiple calls. Another advantageous pool, besides maintaining a link to the targe... lation will be performed only once. The last advantage is the ability to use multiple connections to one target system, which is especially advantageous during parallel processing. Pool configurati... [A,B] after provisioning. MERGE (Merge) merge , controlled Since version 9.3.0 was provisioning merge compl
Architecture - backend @devel:documentation:architecture:dev
8 Hits, Last modified:
, patch method) - to make use of some of the advantages of spring data REST (patch method, json mapping... for getting dto by uuid identifier or code. Advantages of Spring Data REST (not used now): hal - uses... nned use of provisioning) patch method versing(ETag) - usable for optimistic locks last modification of resource Disadvantages of Spring Data REST (not used now): Non-existe
How to override a spring service @tutorial:dev
5 Hits, Last modified:
ins no `@Service` annotation. Its instance is not controlled by the class annotation, but is created in the se... problem to override with a new class that will be controlled by `@Service` annotation. Create new class `Awes... low will override both types of services that are controlled by the `@Service` annotation and those that are controlled by the configuration class. Create new class `Awe
Events - processing of events @devel:documentation:architecture:dev
4 Hits, Last modified:
t data. Transactions Transactional processing is controlled before the event publishing itself - the whole pr... e transaction is rolled back, which has some advantages: simple adding of validation or referential integrity repeating the whole chain and disadvantages as well: having to catch all the exceptions pr... after manually add, update or remove guarantee is controlled by these two processors: ContractGuaranteeSavePro
Events - processing of events @devel:documentation:adm:configuration
4 Hits, Last modified:
t data. Transactions Transactional processing is controlled before the event publishing itself - the whole pr... e transaction is rolled back, which has some advantages: simple adding of validation or referential integrity repeating the whole chain and disadvantages as well: having to catch all the exceptions pr... after manually add, update or remove guarantee is controlled by these two processors: ContractGuaranteeSavePro
Quickstart - frontend @devel:documentation:quickstart:dev
3 Hits, Last modified:
vice() { return this.service; } /** * Controlled entity */ getEntityType() { return 'Exam... but each route can have access property, which is controlled by SecurityManager#checkAccess method on the back... e will be used after application is built (gulp build) or started (gulp) under our stage and profile.
Synchronization (of identities) @devel:documentation:synchronization:dev
3 Hits, Last modified:
a new identity) was not created! Since 8.2, it's controlled by specific settings of the synchronization. Mis... d for all the accounts of the system. The disadvantage of the synchronization in the connector is the i... e complicated queries). On the contrary, the advantage is the possibility to use the operation DELETE
Agenda of universal requests @devel:documentation
3 Hits, Last modified:
est for any (supported) object in the IdM. A advantage versus the previous agendas for dealing with req... questing for specific object? Requesting mode is controlled for all requestable objects by IdmRoleDto (for no... sts Limitations Enabling of the request mode is controlled only by IdmRole now. Changes in the request prev
WinRM + AD Connector @devel:documentation:adm:systems
3 Hits, Last modified:
ng WinRM and AD connector into one. The main advantage of this is you can execute operation by AD conne... ly you use this to connect to system which can be controlled via powershell and is dependent on AD. Schema: ... the powershell script will run some time. Disadvantage is, if your powershell script froze for real you
Agenda of universal requests @devel:documentation:requests:adm
2 Hits, Last modified:
quest for any (supported) object in IDM. One advantage in comparison with the previous agendas for deal... Permissions The basic rule of how permissions are controlled when a request is being created: To execute an op
Contractual relationship (CR) @devel:documentation:identities:dev
2 Hits, Last modified:
logged identity. otherwise is contract validity controlled only by validFrom and validTill attributes ⇒ stat... ext to the tree structure with the following advantages: the possibility to ask about the children of