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Configuration - backend
8 Hits, Last modified:
oadable via ConfigurationService. # Application stage (development, test, production (default)) # # Pu... ion about app, decorators etc.). # # Application stage - development, test, production. # Application instance / server id - is used for ... entifier is shown, when application '' is set to 'development'. #
Configuration - frontend
4 Hits, Last modified:
lder and is separated by profile (by client) and stage (development / test / production) read more. Wh... gulp, then selected configuration by profile and stage is moved (and transformed) into application as c... lect "app": { "name": "CzechIdM" } # Application stage (development, test, production) "env": "developm... "filter": { # environment code - supports single value only. Used on role table, assigned roles ta