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Configuration - backend @devel:documentation:application_configuration:dev
8 Hits, Last modified:
oadable via ConfigurationService. # Application stage (development, test, production (default)) # # Pu... ion about app, decorators etc.). # # Application stage - development, test, production. # Application instance / server id - is used for ... entifier is shown, when application '' is set to 'development'. #
API documentation (Swagger) @devel:documentation:architecture:dev
10 Hits, Last modified:
= "Examples", description = "Example operations", tags = { "Examples" }) public class ExampleController... ditional informations", nickname = "ping", tags={ "Examples" }, response = Pong.class, a... (value = BaseController.BASE_PATH + "/examples") @Tag(name = ExampleController.TAG, description = "Example operations") public class ExampleController {
Report - Compare values in IdM to system (extras, before CzechIdM 12) @tutorial:adm
2 Hits, Last modified:
s can be found in tables with IdM in development stage or in Audit. But we will show you the easiest wa... anged. Next are the attributes we selected. For single value attributes: If value is blue, it means the
Testing @devel:documentation:conventions:dev
3 Hits, Last modified:
Value).when(partiallyMockedObject).someMethod(); Single test from cmd line To run concrete test class fro... yAfterInitiatorDelete test -DfailIfNoTests=false Single test from cmd line Project testing For all proje... mplementation is at least 80% of code. This percentage coverage is made by sonar. After project impleme
Events - processing of events @devel:documentation:architecture:dev
3 Hits, Last modified:
IdmFormInstanceDto - eav attribute values from single definition. supports base event types UPDATE - u... e transaction is rolled back, which has some advantages: simple adding of validation or referential integrity repeating the whole chain and disadvantages as well: having to catch all the exceptions pr
Workflow @devel:documentation:workflows:dev
4 Hits, Last modified:
ss written by BPMN 2.0 language in Java. Its advantage lies in integration with Spring framework and it... unicate even with a non-Java environment. Disadvantage of this solution is lossage of direct Java integ... om property: id - Unique component identifier in single process. If attribute variables is not filled, th... m to task. But even this system has a few disadvantages: * Components cannot interact with each other.
Run multiple CzechIdM instances using IntelliJ Idea and Gulp as a developer @tutorial:dev
4 Hits, Last modified:
s using you IDE as it provides you some neat advantages over running separate virtual machines: It is ... aneous run of multiple instances of CzechIdM on a single database. It basically does not matter what you s... , you should run this command gulp -p default --stage development for first instance (comunicating wi... omcat at port 8080) gulp -p default-secondary --stage development for second instance (comunicating w
MsSQL: Run CzechIdM with MsSQL database @tutorial:adm
4 Hits, Last modified:
in. Java will translate the double backslash to a single backslash. If you use only single backslash, it will not be sent to the SQL Server at all and the SQL Ser... uires a bit more configuration, but the main advantage is that the password of the domain user is not d... e the following docker-compose.yml file. The advantage is that it uses persistent volumes and docker-co
Configuration - frontend @devel:documentation:application_configuration:dev
4 Hits, Last modified:
lder and is separated by profile (by client) and stage (development / test / production) read more. Wh... gulp, then selected configuration by profile and stage is moved (and transformed) into application as c... lect "app": { "name": "CzechIdM" } # Application stage (development, test, production) "env": "developm... "filter": { # environment code - supports single value only. Used on role table, assigned roles ta
Systems with single password @devel:documentation:uniform_password
4 Hits, Last modified:
Systems with single password one , single , password , system , systems System with single password, in CzechIdM also know as Uniform password, ver... detail. Change password through IdM has some advantages over other systems: checks of old passwords fo
SSO to AD domain @tutorial:adm
2 Hits, Last modified:
SSO to AD domain CzechIdM supports Single-Sign-On of the AD domain users. The mechanism uses web server, ... ing the REMOTE_USER header inside the VirtualHost tag in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf. And exclude "/idm/
Events - processing of events @devel:documentation:adm:configuration
3 Hits, Last modified:
IdmFormInstanceDto - eav attribute values from single definition. supports base event types UPDATE - u... e transaction is rolled back, which has some advantages: simple adding of validation or referential integrity repeating the whole chain and disadvantages as well: having to catch all the exceptions pr
Quickstart - frontend @devel:documentation:quickstart:dev
2 Hits, Last modified:
Quickstart - frontend Frontend module is single npm packace with standard package.json descriptor and Cze... e will be used after application is built (gulp build) or started (gulp) under our stage and profile.