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Creating a development environment
29 Hits, Last modified:
out for Tomcat server Start (see Install Tomcat) Check that PostgreSQL server is running. systemctl status postgresql.service ... hema public to the user idmadmin or to "public". Check the error message in the server output console. Common error messages Initializa... e.api.FlywayException: Validate failed: Migration checksum mismatch for migration 7.07.004 means that yo... used for some other version of CzechIdM (you can check used Flyway versions in the tables idm\_schema\_v
Reports module - Creating a report
10 Hits, Last modified:
(and higher). We have CzechIdM installed for this tutorial on server http://localhost:8080/idm. Create identity, whic... ion to create and read reports. We are using demo admin:admin identity. 01 Create report We need to implement ReportExecutor (~report), which generates out... .BOOLEAN); // we want select box instead simple checkbox (null value is needed) disabled.setFaceType(
Entity - create a new CzechIdM entity and its management
12 Hits, Last modified:
ate a new CzechIdM entity and its management This tutorial shows, how to add a new agenda for reading, creat... g and deleting a new entity. Source code for this tutorial can be found in the example module: backend fro... mission { EXAMPLEPRODUCT( IdmBasePermission.ADMIN, IdmBasePermission.AUTOCOMPLETE, IdmBase... ons public static final String EXAMPLE_PRODUCT_ADMIN = "EXAMPLEPRODUCT" + BasePermission.SEPARATOR +