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tutorial:adm:server_monitoring [2019/03/25 11:32]
fiserp [Implementation]
tutorial:adm:server_monitoring [2019/03/25 15:50]
fiserp [Implementation]
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 This page will show you how to set up basic monitoring of server with CzechIdM using Nagios NRPE. It is very useful to store monitored values for trend overview (e.g. with Munin). Some monitoring systems (like Zabbix) can store trends and monitor services at once. It is also practical to install ''iostat'', ''vmstat'' and ''sar'' utilities on the server. This page will show you how to set up basic monitoring of server with CzechIdM using Nagios NRPE. It is very useful to store monitored values for trend overview (e.g. with Munin). Some monitoring systems (like Zabbix) can store trends and monitor services at once. It is also practical to install ''iostat'', ''vmstat'' and ''sar'' utilities on the server.
-<note>This article is about real-time monitoring of the server and its services. It does not deal with monitoring of the "insides" of CzechIdM.</note>+<note>This article is about real-time monitoring of the server and its services. It does not deal with monitoring of "the insides" of CzechIdM.</note>
 **Typical CzechIdM server** **Typical CzechIdM server**
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   * NRPE daemon will listen on 5666\tcp (its default port). Open the port in your iptables by adding the rule: ''-A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -p tcp --dport 5666 -j ACCEPT''.   * NRPE daemon will listen on 5666\tcp (its default port). Open the port in your iptables by adding the rule: ''-A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -p tcp --dport 5666 -j ACCEPT''.
   * All probes are located in their default installation location ''/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/''.   * All probes are located in their default installation location ''/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/''.
-  * We use one external probe check\_mem which can be downloaded here: [[https://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Plugins/System-Metrics/Memory/check_mem-2Esh/details]]. This probe, however, returns bad results on RHEL7 because of the different meaning of the ''free'' command output. The fixed version is: +  * We use one external probe check\_mem which can be downloaded here: [[https://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Plugins/System-Metrics/Memory/check_mem-2Esh/details]]. This probe, however, returns bad results on RHEL7 because of the different meaning of the ''free'' command output. You can dowload the fixed version from [[https://github.com/bcvsolutions/czechidm-monitoring/blob/master/nagios-plugins/check_mem/check_mem|here]].
-<file bash check_mem> +
-#!/bin/bash +
- +
-# Original (GPL-licensed) version https://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Plugins/System-Metrics/Memory/check_mem-2Esh/details +
-# Modified for CentOS7/RHEL7 - Petr Fiser, BCV solutions s.r.o. +
-if [ "$1" = "-w" ] && [ "$2" -gt "0" ] && [ "$3" = "-c" ] && [ "$4" -gt "0" ]; then +
- +
-        memTotal_b=`free -b |grep Mem |awk '{print $2}'+
-        memFree_b=`free -b |grep Mem |awk '{print $4}'+
-        memBuffer_b=`free -b |grep Mem |awk '{print $6}'+
- +
-        memTotal_m=`free -m |grep Mem |awk '{print $2}'+
-        memFree_m=`free -m |grep Mem |awk '{print $4}'+
-        memBuffer_m=`free -m |grep Mem |awk '{print $6}'+
- +
-        memUsed_b=$(($memTotal_b-$memFree_b-$memBuffer_b)) +
-        memUsed_m=$(($memTotal_m-$memFree_m-$memBuffer_m)) +
- +
-        memUsedPrc=$((($memUsed_b*100)/$memTotal_b)) +
- +
- +
-        if [ "$memUsedPrc" -ge "$4" ]; then +
-                echo "Memory: CRITICAL Total: $memTotal_m MB - Used: $memUsed_m MB - $memUsedPrc% used!|TOTAL=$memTotal_b;;;; USED=$memUsed_b;;;; BUFFER=$memBuffer_b;;;;" +
-                $(exit 2) +
-        elif [ "$memUsedPrc" -ge "$2" ]; then +
-                echo "Memory: WARNING Total: $memTotal_m MB - Used: $memUsed_m MB - $memUsedPrc% used!|TOTAL=$memTotal_b;;;; USED=$memUsed_b;;;; BUFFER=$memBuffer_b;;;;" +
-                $(exit 1) +
-        else +
-                echo "Memory: OK Total: $memTotal_m MB - Used: $memUsed_m MB - $memUsedPrc% used|TOTAL=$memTotal_b;;;; USED=$memUsed_b;;;; BUFFER=$memBuffer_b;;;;" +
-                $(exit 0) +
-        fi +
- +
-else +
-        echo "check_mem v1.1" +
-        echo "" +
-        echo "Usage:" +
-        echo "check_mem.sh -w <warnlevel> -c <critlevel>" +
-        echo "" +
-        echo "warnlevel and critlevel is percentage value without %" +
-        echo "" +
-        echo "Copyright (C) 2012 Lukasz Gogolin (lukasz.gogolin@gmail.com)" +
-        exit +
-fi +
 **Deployment** **Deployment**
  • by urbanl