The LRT CheckExpiredOrMissingManagers sends an email notification to holders of a specified role or email addresses specified. Information sent is about all managers filtered by the options in this LRT i.e. missing managers or expired managers checkboxes.
We can set up the LRT. In the left menu, go to Settings>Task scheduler>Scheduled tasks and click the green button Add. Select the task type CheckExpiredOrMissingManager and specify the configuration of the LRT.
In the first section you can specify reciepients. Email addresses divided by comma, one role with identities or you can specify both.
User type (
Projection) was introduced in IdM 10.2.0. You can specify user type for identities which are being searched for managers. This settings does not apply to manager identities. If you keep empty, all identities will be included in the search.
You can select organization unit for filtering searched identities. It searches for all identities in this organization and all organizations under. This settings does not apply to manager identities. If you keep empty, all identities will be included in the search.
Manager options:
Include expired managers - will search and list all identities, which have a manager with already expired contract.
Include missing managers - will search and list all identities, which do not have a manager assigned.
Include managers expiring in X days - will search for managers expiring in X days. This option has additional settings.
* Number of days before contract expires
* If days are equal or less than specified days - This should be ticked if you don't run the task every day otherwise it returns only managers expiring exactly in X days.
You can select the role that the recipients of the notification will have assigned. You can only select one so if you need multiple ones, you have define multiple LRTs.