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Notification - the change of identity's contract

This notification is a part of the Extras module.

The LRT ContractChangeNotificationTask can send an email notification to holders of a specified role, managers, and the owner of the changed contract. The recipients of the notification can be modified in the LRT setup and the notification template can be modified as well.

The task will check changes in selected basic contract attributes and contract EAV attributes, and if a change is detected, the notification is sent.

Each notification can use a different notification template (and must use a different topic). No default topic is given so when configuring the task, you must always specify the topic. You can use the supplied stub (ContractChange) to help you configure your own template.


You can create your own template by copying the stub. You have these objects available:

Configuration of LRT

Basic contract attributes

You can use the following attribute codes for basic contract attributes.

How to use variables in email templates

Methods that may be used for the objects:




How can you work with the lists? Following example will iterate over the list of the directly assigned roles and writes each role name to a separate line:

#foreach ($directRole in $rolesDirectNames)


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How can you work with the maps?

#foreach ($eav in $identityEavMap.entrySet())

Name is $eav.key and value is $eav.value

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Writing the name, last name and email of the manager:

$manager.getFirstName() $manager.getLastName() - $manager.getEmail()