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API documentation (Swagger) @devel:documentation:architecture:dev
10 Hits, Last modified:
= "Examples", description = "Example operations", tags = { "Examples" }) public class ExampleController... ditional informations", nickname = "ping", tags={ "Examples" }, response = Pong.class, a... (value = BaseController.BASE_PATH + "/examples") @Tag(name = ExampleController.TAG, description = "Example operations") public class ExampleController {
Configuration - backend @devel:documentation:application_configuration:dev
8 Hits, Last modified:
oadable via ConfigurationService. # Application stage (development, test, production (default)) # # Pu... ion about app, decorators etc.). # # Application stage - development, test, production. # Application instance / server id - is used for ... entifier is shown, when application '' is set to 'development'. #
Configuration - frontend @devel:documentation:application_configuration:dev
4 Hits, Last modified:
lder and is separated by profile (by client) and stage (development / test / production) read more. Wh... gulp, then selected configuration by profile and stage is moved (and transformed) into application as c... lect "app": { "name": "CzechIdM" } # Application stage (development, test, production) "env": "developm... "filter": { # environment code - supports single value only. Used on role table, assigned roles ta
Workflow @devel:documentation:workflows:dev
4 Hits, Last modified:
ss written by BPMN 2.0 language in Java. Its advantage lies in integration with Spring framework and it... unicate even with a non-Java environment. Disadvantage of this solution is lossage of direct Java integ... om property: id - Unique component identifier in single process. If attribute variables is not filled, th... m to task. But even this system has a few disadvantages: * Components cannot interact with each other.
Systems with single password @devel:documentation:uniform_password
4 Hits, Last modified:
Systems with single password one , single , password , system , systems System with single password, in CzechIdM also know as Uniform password, ver... detail. Change password through IdM has some advantages over other systems: checks of old passwords fo
Events - processing of events @devel:documentation:architecture:dev
3 Hits, Last modified:
IdmFormInstanceDto - eav attribute values from single definition. supports base event types UPDATE - u... e transaction is rolled back, which has some advantages: simple adding of validation or referential integrity repeating the whole chain and disadvantages as well: having to catch all the exceptions pr
Events - processing of events @devel:documentation:adm:configuration
3 Hits, Last modified:
IdmFormInstanceDto - eav attribute values from single definition. supports base event types UPDATE - u... e transaction is rolled back, which has some advantages: simple adding of validation or referential integrity repeating the whole chain and disadvantages as well: having to catch all the exceptions pr
Testing @devel:documentation:conventions:dev
3 Hits, Last modified:
Value).when(partiallyMockedObject).someMethod(); Single test from cmd line To run concrete test class fro... yAfterInitiatorDelete test -DfailIfNoTests=false Single test from cmd line Project testing For all proje... mplementation is at least 80% of code. This percentage coverage is made by sonar. After project impleme
Quickstart - frontend @devel:documentation:quickstart:dev
2 Hits, Last modified:
Quickstart - frontend Frontend module is single npm packace with standard package.json descriptor and Cze... e will be used after application is built (gulp build) or started (gulp) under our stage and profile.