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Known issues

This section is intended to contain the list of known issues that are not quick to solve i.e. those that occur in included libraries. If possible there is a workaround to the issue. This list does not replace the bugtracking tool for CzechIdM -

Converter lib error - Sometimes the error `org.modelmapper.MappingException: ModelMapper mapping errors: Converter org.modelmapper.internal.converter.CollectionConverter@7214dbf8 failed to convert` occures. It is caused by the bug in the library "ModelMapper". Workaround is to restart the CzechIdM system. May be fixed in new version of ModelMapper - more info at

as a result of this bug, IdM may mulfunction - e.g. LRT won`t start and user contracts are not updated (renew) !!!

To prevent application startup fails due to Flyway error, property -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true has to be added into environment properties. If property is not set, then application can fail on error:

Error creating bean with name 'flywayCore' defined in class path resource [eu/bcvsolutions/idm/core/config/flyway/CoreFlywayConfig.class]: 
Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!

Add JAVA_OPTS parameters:


You can face this issue, during upgrading IdM version. During start up when the change scripts are executed some of them is "skipped" but there is no error and you will notice it later, when you try to use some IdM function which is relying on this change script. This issue was found during upgrade from 9.4 to 9.7.14 and the missing change scripts are from CORE V9\_06\_002 and V9\_06\_003 and as result, role assigning failed on server error, because of missing column. Change script V9\_06\_001 was executed correctly and change script from 9.7.x was executed correctly to.

If you want to be sure, after you upgrade IdM look into database table idm\_schema\_MODULENAME and check against repository that all change script are there. If you found some of them is missing just run the change script manually directly in DB.

  • by kucerar