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Configuration of WinRM

In this tutorial we will go through configuration of WinRM which is necessary for using WinRM connector

WinRM or Windows remote management, is a remote management protocol that uses Simple Object Access Protocol to interface with remote computers and servers, as well as Operating Systems and applications. WinRM is a command-line tool.


The output should be following:

If you get some error then you need to do the quick default configuration

Now execute the first command again and it should without error now.

Display WinRM listener. It will show useful information about port, address, … where WinRM is listening for incoming connections. After quick config you will probably see only one listener for HTTP.

winrm e winrm/config/listener

Display current winrm configuration

winrm get winrm/config

Show SDDL setting, this command will show dialog window

winrm configSDDL default

  • by kucerar