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Roles - Import of data from CSV

Here is an example of CSV file which can be used for import roles.

Manager;Some role description
ACC-CLOSE";Some roles description

As you can see roles column can be single or multivalued. For multivalued roles, description will be added to every role.

Now we will create the new LongRunningTask(LRT). As shown in the picture, go to Settings → Task scheduler → Scheduled tasks and hit green "Add" button to add new LRT.

Now we need to create new LRT with these attributes:

- Task type - ImportRolesFromCSVExecutor - Import csv file - dropzone to select or drop csv file - Column with roles - Name of the column with roles - Column with description - name of the column with role description - Column separator - separator of columns in csv - Multi value separator - separator of multi value values in csv - System name - name of the system to connect with roles - MemberOf attribute name - ( default: rights ) - name of multi valued attribute for merge - Can be requested - ( Boolean ) - Fills can be requested

Now we just need to hit run You can check status about created roles in All tasks panel in task detail.

  • by hanakp