Systems - DB: TreeNodes (org. structure) synchronization

  • You need install CzechIdM 7.7.0 (and higher).
  • You need be logged in as admin.
  • You need enable ACC module.
  • You must have database jdbcTest with table organizations:
  WITH OWNER = idmadmin
       ENCODING = 'UTF8'
       TABLESPACE = pg_default
       LC_COLLATE = 'cs_CZ.UTF-8'
       LC_CTYPE = 'cs_CZ.UTF-8'
\c jdbcTest;
CREATE TABLE public.organizations
  id character varying(255),
  code character varying(255),
  name character varying(255),
  parent character varying(255)
ALTER TABLE public.organizations
  OWNER TO idmadmin;
  • And add two records:
  INSERT INTO public.organizations(
            id, code, name, parent)
    VALUES ('11', 'rt', 'root', null);

INSERT INTO public.organizations(
            id, code, name, parent)
    VALUES ('22', 'org1', 'organization1', '11');

We have completely empty organization's agenda. Now we go into Systems agenda and add new system. Click on green button Add. Fill System name and at bottom of page there is green button Save and continue, so click on it. Go to Configuration tab and fill in information about your database. Ours are as such:

Parameter Value
Host localhost
Port 5432
User idmadmin
User Password \*\*\*\*\*\*\*
Database jdbcTest
Table organizations
Key Column id
JDBC Driver org.postgresql.Driver
JDBC Connection URL
  • by apeterova