API Reference

Name Base path Description
Identity /api/v1/identities Working with identities/users
Role /api/v1/roles Working with roles
Role change request /api/v1/role-requests Working with request for change assigned roles on identity
Role concept /api/v1/concept-role-requests Create individual role concept for Role change request


Basic rules The API for CzechIdM is based on the REST principles. To use the API, you must be authenticated to CzechIdM.

  • `GET` - Obtain an object or a list of objects
  • `POST` - Creates an object
  • `PUT` - Updates the object - overwrites the whole object
  • `DELETE` - Delete an object
  • `GET /api/v1/identities/` - Gets a list of all identities
  • `GET /api/v1/identities/john_doe` - acquires the "john_doe" identity entity


  • `POST /api/v1/identities/` - Creates a new identity
  • `POST /api/v1/identities/john_doe` - returns` 405`
  • `PUT /api/v1/identities/john_doe` - identity change john_doe, if there is no error returned` 404`
  • `DELETE /api/v1/identities/john_doe` - deleting identity john_doe, if there is no error returned` 404`

API uses three basic URL levels

  • `/api/v1/identities/john_doe`
    • entity detail with convention `/api/v1/identities/${backendId}` - where `${backendId}` is entity uuid identifier or unique code, if entity supports `Codeable` interface.
  • `/api/v1/identities/john_doe/accounts/1`
    • sub entity detail
  • `/api/v1/identities/john_doe/accounts/1/attribute/homeDirectory`

The default data format returned by the application interface is JSON. The change can be done in the HTTP request header.

  • `Accept: application / json`

Supported formats:

  • `JSON` - default format

Date format (iso-8601):

  • `yyyy-MM-dd` - date
  • `yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH: mm: ss.SSS'Z'`- date including time
  • `200` OK - The request was processed correctly.
  • `201` Created - The request was processed correctly and the object was created.
  • `202` Accepted - The request has been accepted correctly but has not yet been processed.
  • `204` OK - The request was processed correctly and the operation returns no response (eg delete operation)
  • `400` Bad Request - The request is not correct or all parameters are not entered.
  • `401` Unauthorized - Authentication error or user not authorized to perform this operation.
  • `403` Forbidden - Access denied.
  • `404` Not Found - Not Found.
  • `400` (405) 'Method Not Allowed - The requested method is not supported for the selected object type. This code is currently not supported. In this case, code 400 is returned with Method Not Allowed.
  • `409` Object already exists - The created object already exists. This value returns the server if someone attempts to create an object of the same type with an existing `name`.
  • `500` Internal server error - Internal server error
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