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Password synchronization

Since version 10.5.0 CzechIdM allows synchronize password from external system. Passwords can be synchronized for example from Active Directory. Password synchronization very helps standard users because they don't need change their password on every system that they use separately. They just simple change password on their own workstation. External system sends the password change request to IdM and IdM will take care of the rest of the password change process → distribution password to next system like AD, Open Ldap, Card system, … .

CzechIdM solve cycle calling and prevents the cycles from password synchronization and classic password change with the new ECHO system.

More about the password synchronization can be found there.

The feature uniform password simplify password change form for basic CzechIdM users and always enforces that password will be changed trough systems in defined uniform password definition.

The combination with password synchronization is uniform password powerful tool that allow one password trough all connected system in IdM.

More about one password trough all systems can be found there.

  • by kopro