Prerequisites and system requirements

Typical requirement up to 7.000 users:

Category—– Requirement
Processor 8 cores or more
Memory 32 GiB RAM
Disk A minimum of 350 GiB or more; The required disk space depends on the connected systems and the volume of managed data.

The following hw requirements are valid if you are installing all components CzechIdM and databaserver on a single server.

It depends on how many identities and role to handle on how many end systems. CzechIdM works with a system of asynchronous events that handle processors in the background. These events can efficiently be processed by CPU cores since the system is pretty parallel in its run. This configuration is mandatory on projects delivered by BCV (both testing and production use)

Typical requirement up to 7.000 users:

Category Requirement
Processor 8 cores or more
Memory 16 GiB RAM and more
Disk A minimum of 250 GiB or more; The required disk space depends on the connected systems and the volume of managed data.
OS CentOS/RHEL 8 x86_64 (in minimal installation) or Windows server 2012 or later
Virtualization CzechIdM supports run in virtualized environments depending on the supported OS.
Disk partitioning is different than standard installation OS behavior please check that you split disk correctly.

Required disk partitioning on Linux servers:

Partition Description
"/boot" With minimum size 512MB, recomended size 1GB.
"/" With LVM and filesystem ext4 or xfs. size at least 250GB

This configuration is intended only for limited testing purposes e.g. for administrators downloading latest release running it in sandbox to check new features. This is not the configuration intended for projects delivered by BCV for production or testing environments.

Category Requirement
Processor 4 cores
Memory 10 GiB RAM
Disk A minimum of 150 GiB or more; The required disk space depends on the connected systems and the volume of managed data.
OS CentOS/RHEL 8 x86_64 (in minimal installation) or Windows server 2012 or later
Virtualization CzechIdM supports run in virtualized environments depending on the supported OS.

If you would like have to have more divided configuration use this partitions, but only if you have disk greater than 250GB:

Partition Description
"/boot" With minimum size 512MB. Recomended size is 1GB.
"/" With LVM and filesystem ext4 or xfs with size for system. 20GB
"/opt" With LVM and filesystem ext4 or xfs. 70GB *
"/data" With LVM and filesystem ext4 or xfs. 70GB *
"/var" With LVM and filesystem ext4 or xfs. 40GB *
50+ GB of free space on LVM to distribute where it is needed*

*Warning: size of "/opt", "/data" and "/var" may vary a lot in depends on demands/usage of IdM in organization.

  • by poulm