Assign roles to accounts - Import of data from CSV (since 5.5.0)
This task assigns roles to accounts.
Prepare CSV file
Here is an example of CSV file which can be used for import role definitions.
account;system;role;validfrom;validtill john;some_system;role1;; john;some_system;role2;; jane;another_system;role3;;2025-12-31
This task will assign roles with codes 'role1' and 'role2' to the account with uid 'john' on the system with name 'some_system' (without validity restrictions), and the role with code 'role3' to the account with uid 'jane' on the system with name 'another_system' (with valid till equal to the end of the year 2025).
If you want to assign multiple roles to the same account on the same system, use multiple lines (multivalue role column is not supported), there will still be only one role request created to assign them.
Create new LongRunningTask
Now we will create the new LongRunningTask(LRT). Go to Settings → Task scheduler → Scheduled tasks and hit green "Add" button to add new LRT.
Fill all attributes
Now we need to create new LRT with these attributes:
- importFile - dropzone to select or drop csv file
- Task type - Import roles on accounts from CSV
- separator - separator of columns in csv file
- encoding - insert encoding of your csv file. Default value is UTF-8
- Column with account UID - name of the column with account UID
- Column with role code - Name of the column with role code
- Column with system name - name of the column with name of the system the account belongs to
- Column with role valid from - name of the column with the start of the role assignment validity (optional)
- Column with role valid till - name of the column with the end of the role assignment validity (optional)
- Role validity format - format of valid from/till values