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Password provisioning

For connector that allow password change (table, ad, ldap, …) is possible provisioning password. Every of these connectors has special settings for password attribute. Eq.:

After you choose the password attribute and generate schema for system. It is possible create mapping for password. Main password attribute can be mapped as \_\_PASSWORD\_\_ attribute.

Main password attribute (\_\_PASSWORD\_\_) is sent to end system only with uid, all attributes including another attributes marked as password will be sent in second provisioning operation. If application property (idm.sec.acc.provisioning.sendPasswordAttributesTogether) is set to true, only one provisioning operation will be created. This beahvior is only for password change. When CzechIdM creates new one account in end system. Is password sent together with another attributes (some connectors may reimplement the behavior with own - AD).

All password attributes will be transformed before will be transformed via transformation scripts to end system. The transformation scripts must return GuardedString or null, all another object throw exception. All transformation obtain password in attributeValue. For transformation script will be applied classic rules for check security and etc.

Remeber all password attributes must has checked 'Password attribute'. Including main password attribute \_\_PASSWORD\_\_
In older versions (<9.3.0) exists attribute \_\_PASSWORD\_\_ the attribute still exists but for proper functioning must the attribute has checked checkbox 'Password attribute', otherwise behavior with password change trough system will not work correctly. In existing mapping is password attribute checked for all \_\_PASSWORD\_\_ attributes by flyway script.

Transformations on password will be applied in these situations:

User change his password for accounts (doesn't matter if account include CzechIdM account) - classic password change form. After will be password check by password policy it will be started provisioning operation to system with \_\_PASSWORD\_\_, all another attributes marked as password and all another password that must be included in password change.

If script for transformation password/s contains errors it will be throw exception:

the exception is not stored in provisioning operation queue.

When administrator/automatic process add to user role with mapped system (mapping for system must contains password attributes. At least one attribute must be marked as password attribute) will be generated new password and this password will be transformed by each script in password attributes. To all script will be sent same password.

Please check all transformation script for password and remove all debug, info, error logs that the script contains. Into script will be sent user password and password is very sensitive information.

Password is generated by password policy for generating that has assigned system. If system doesn't contains password policy for generate password will be generated by CzechIdM default password policy. If even default password policy doesn't exist no password will be generated. Into script will be sent null. Please check attributeValue in script for null!

If the attribute PASSWORD missing, you must create this attribute manually.

  • Name: \_\_PASSWORD\_\_
  • Data type:
  • Able to create: true
  • Able to edit: true
  • Able to read: true
  • by kopro